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It’s going really well but I think I’m going to run out of time!
Andy Farnsworth
Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
In progress
Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
There are 2 feedback items related to the 📈 Performance Evaluation Process, step 2: Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations. The first feedback item indicates that the task is going well but the owner is concerned about running out of time. The second feedback item indicates that the owner is having difficulty scheduling the meeting due to conflicting schedules.
📈 Performance Evaluation Process
Performance Evaluation Process - Janey Janes - Jun 26, 2023, 7:46 PM
It can wait
Jun 28, 2023
Task: Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: It’s going really well but I think I’m going to run out of time!
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I’m having difficulty scheduling the meeting because we’re both so busy. I don’t think I can cancel my previously scheduled work.
Andy Farnsworth
Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
In progress
Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
There are 2 feedback items related to the 📈 Performance Evaluation Process, step 2: Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations. The first feedback item indicates that the task is going well but the owner is concerned about running out of time. The second feedback item indicates that the owner is having difficulty scheduling the meeting due to conflicting schedules.
📈 Performance Evaluation Process
Performance Evaluation Process - Janey Janes - Jun 26, 2023, 7:46 PM
It can wait
Jun 28, 2023
Task: Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: I’m having difficulty scheduling the meeting because we’re both so busy. I don’t think I can cancel my previously scheduled work.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
this should be an hour longer
Andy Farnsworth
Process Interview Notes
Process Interview Notes

Step 7 - Process Interview Notes

There are 2 feedback items associated with this step. The feedback received includes reflections from Andy Farnsworth, who is the owner of the task. One feedback item suggests that the step should be longer, while the other item reflects on the importance of capturing tacit components of the interview, such as tone, facial expressions, and personal feelings.
🗣️ Conduct Stakeholder Interview
Conduct Stakeholder Interview - Jinny Jinson - Jun 25, 2023, 6:28 AM
It can wait
Jun 30, 2023
Task: Process Interview Notes
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: this should be an hour longer
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I left it too late and had forgotten some of the tacit components of the interview: the person’s tone, facial expressions, and my feelings about the responses. Next time I should take a few minutes immediately following the interview to document some of that information.
Andy Farnsworth
Process Interview Notes
Process Interview Notes

Step 7 - Process Interview Notes

There are 2 feedback items associated with this step. The feedback received includes reflections from Andy Farnsworth, who is the owner of the task. One feedback item suggests that the step should be longer, while the other item reflects on the importance of capturing tacit components of the interview, such as tone, facial expressions, and personal feelings.
🗣️ Conduct Stakeholder Interview
Conduct Stakeholder Interview - Jane Joe - Jun 24, 2023, 8:41 AM
Jul 4, 2023
Task: Process Interview Notes
Reflection Importance:

Reflection: I left it too late and had forgotten some of the tacit components of the interview: the person’s tone, facial expressions, and my feelings about the responses. Next time I should take a few minutes immediately following the interview to document some of that information.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I asked the 🤝 Preparing for Consultancy Handover process this question: when do we meet with the acquiring company? The response was: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information in the provided background information about when you would meet with the acquiring company. However, it is important to note that communication and stakeholder management are crucial aspects of the "Preparing for Consultancy Handover" process. Therefore, it would be best to develop a communication plan that includes regular updates and meetings with all relevant stakeholders, including the acquiring company, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and the handover process is successful.
Andy Farnsworth
Develop a communication plan
There is 1 feedback item for step 10, "Develop a communication plan," in the process of "Preparing for Consultancy Handover." The feedback is a question asking when the team will meet with the acquiring company. The response to the question is that there is no information provided about when to meet with the acquiring company, but it is important to develop a communication plan that includes regular updates and meetings with all relevant stakeholders, including the acquiring company, to ensure a successful handover process.
🤝 Preparing for Consultancy Handover
It can wait
Jul 12, 2023
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: I asked the 🤝 Preparing for Consultancy Handover process this question: when do we meet with the acquiring company?
The response was: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information in the provided background information about when you would meet with the acquiring company. However, it is important to note that communication and stakeholder management are crucial aspects of the "Preparing for Consultancy Handover" process. Therefore, it would be best to develop a communication plan that includes regular updates and meetings with all relevant stakeholders, including the acquiring company, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and the handover process is successful.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
Interviewee was unresponsive to my requests to schedule a meeting. Should have reached out earlier to avoid delaying completion of this task.
Andy Farnsworth
Schedule Interview
Schedule Interview
There is one feedback item for step 5, "Schedule Interview," which states that the interviewee was unresponsive to requests to schedule a meeting, causing a delay in completing the task. The feedback suggests that reaching out earlier could have avoided this delay.
🗣️ Conduct Stakeholder Interview
Conduct Stakeholder Interview - John Jay - Jun 24, 2023, 9:05 AM
It can wait
Jul 12, 2023
Task: Schedule Interview
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: Interviewee was unresponsive to my requests to schedule a meeting. Should have reached out earlier to avoid delaying completion of this task.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I asked the 👋 Offboarding Process process this question: if we were to add a new step to the process regarding IP, what would that look like? The response was: I'm sorry, but the Offboarding Process background information doesn't mention anything about adding a step regarding intellectual property (IP) to the process. However, a possible step could be to review and ensure that all company-owned IP is properly transferred or protected after the employee's departure. This may involve working with legal and/or IT departments to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect the company's assets.
Andy Farnsworth
Collect company assets
There is no feedback for Step 5 in the Offboarding Process, "Collect company assets.”
👋 Offboarding Process
It can wait
Jul 13, 2023
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: I asked the 👋 Offboarding Process process this question: if we were to add a new step to the process regarding IP, what would that look like?
The response was: I'm sorry, but the Offboarding Process background information doesn't mention anything about adding a step regarding intellectual property (IP) to the process. However, a possible step could be to review and ensure that all company-owned IP is properly transferred or protected after the employee's departure. This may involve working with legal and/or IT departments to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to protect the company's assets.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I asked the 👋 Offboarding Process process this question: if we were to add a new step to the process regarding IP, what would that look like? The response was: I apologize, but there is no information provided in the background information about a specific step regarding IP in the Offboarding Process. However, a new step regarding IP could involve conducting an audit or review of any intellectual property or confidential information that the departing employee had access to, and ensuring that all such information is properly secured and protected. It would also be important to communicate any relevant policies or procedures to the departing employee to ensure that they understand their obligations regarding the use and protection of company IP.
Andy Farnsworth
Review IP Requirements
There is no feedback for step 4, "Review IP Requirements," of the Offboarding Process in the organization's Coda process library.
👋 Offboarding Process
It can wait
Jul 13, 2023
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: I asked the 👋 Offboarding Process process this question: if we were to add a new step to the process regarding IP, what would that look like?
The response was: I apologize, but there is no information provided in the background information about a specific step regarding IP in the Offboarding Process. However, a new step regarding IP could involve conducting an audit or review of any intellectual property or confidential information that the departing employee had access to, and ensuring that all such information is properly secured and protected. It would also be important to communicate any relevant policies or procedures to the departing employee to ensure that they understand their obligations regarding the use and protection of company IP.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
it took us ages to compile the list of tasks in progress
Andy Farnsworth
Reassign remaining tasks
Not started
Reassign remaining tasks
There is no feedback for Step 2 "Reassign remaining tasks" in the Offboarding Process.
👋 Offboarding Process
Offboarding Process - H. MacDonald - Jul 13, 2023, 9:59 AM
It can wait
Jul 16, 2023

we should add a research checklist!
Andy Farnsworth
1 Research AI at Work Challenge requirements
1 Research AI at Work Challenge requirements
Deleted Row
Deleted Row
It can wait
Jul 17, 2023
Task: 1 Research AI at Work Challenge requirements
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: we should add a research checklist!
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I think we should identify the format for our file naming convention - something standardized so that anyone digitizing files knows how to do it and we maintain consistency.
Andy Farnsworth
Create an index of all digital copies
No feedback received.
💻 Digitizing Past Client Agreements and Engagements
It can wait
Sep 8, 2023
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: I think we should identify the format for our file naming convention - something standardized so that anyone digitizing files knows how to do it and we maintain consistency.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
it would save us time if we had a list of potential interviewees that we added to as we thought of new stakeholders we wanted to talk to
Andy Farnsworth
Research Potential Interviewees
In progress
Research Potential Interviewees
Step 1: Research Potential Interviewees No feedback was received for this step.
🗣️ Conduct Stakeholder Interview
Conduct Stakeholder Interview - Tanya Banya - Sep 12, 2023, 7:35 PM
Sep 12, 2023
Task: Research Potential Interviewees
Reflection Importance:

Reflection: it would save us time if we had a list of potential interviewees that we added to as we thought of new stakeholders we wanted to talk to
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
I asked the 📈 Performance Evaluation Process process this question: how often do we do evaluations? The response was: Morning Strategy's Performance Evaluation Process does not specify a set timeline for evaluations. The process is designed to be flexible and allow for evaluations to be conducted as needed. It is up to the discretion of the manager and the direct report to determine when evaluations should take place based on their specific circumstances and needs.
Andy Farnsworth
Review previous performance evaluations
There is 1 feedback item for Step 1: Review previous performance evaluations. The feedback is related to the question of how often evaluations should be conducted. The response was that Morning Strategy's Performance Evaluation Process does not specify a set timeline for evaluations and that it is up to the discretion of the manager and the direct report to determine when evaluations should take place based on their specific circumstances and needs.
📈 Performance Evaluation Process
It can wait
Nov 5, 2023
Reflection Importance:
It can wait

Reflection: I asked the 📈 Performance Evaluation Process process this question: how often do we do evaluations?
The response was: Morning Strategy's Performance Evaluation Process does not specify a set timeline for evaluations. The process is designed to be flexible and allow for evaluations to be conducted as needed. It is up to the discretion of the manager and the direct report to determine when evaluations should take place based on their specific circumstances and needs.
Owner: Andy Farnsworth
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