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Interview Script for External Stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts
Prepare Questions
I want an interview script with questions about how to interview external stakeholders and subject matter experts on various aspects of how they operate their business. My goal is to understand areas for partnership and potential opportunities for serving and selling to new clients.
Header: Interview Script for External Stakeholder and Subject Matter Expert Interviews
Greet the interviewee and thank them for their time.
Briefly explain the purpose of the interview and how their insights will be used to inform the project.
Ask if they have any questions before beginning.
Ask the interviewee to describe their organization and its goals.
Ask about their industry and any specific challenges or opportunities they are currently facing.
Ask the interviewee to describe their day-to-day operations.
Ask about key processes and workflows.
Ask about any pain points or areas for improvement.
Partnership Opportunities
Ask about potential areas for partnership with Morning Strategy.
Ask about any potential opportunities for serving and selling to new clients.
Ask about their experience with similar partnerships in the past.
Thank the interviewee for their time and insights.
Ask if they have any additional thoughts or questions.
Explain the next steps in the process and how their insights will be used.
Ask if they would be interested in participating in future interviews or follow-up discussions.
(Note: Remember to keep the Morning Strategy values in mind when preparing and conducting the interview, and tailor the questions to the interviewee's knowledge and expertise.)
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Prepare Questions
7/9/2023, 10:50 AM
"Finding Interviewees: Strategies and Tips”
Research Potential Interviewees
suggest something
Brainstorm a list of potential interviewees based on the focus of the research. Consider individuals who have relevant expertise or experience in the area being investigated.
Use online professional networks, such as LinkedIn, to identify potential interviewees and gather background information on their professional experience.
Reach out to colleagues or contacts in the industry who may have suggestions for potential interviewees.
Consider reaching out to professional associations or industry groups for recommendations.
Create a spreadsheet or database to track potential interviewees, including their name, contact information, and any relevant notes or background information.
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Research Potential Interviewees
Research Potential Interviewees
7/9/2023, 6:10 PM
Market Analysis Checklist
Define pricing objectives
a plan for conducting a market analysis, in the form of a checklist of sequential tasks
Conduct a market analysis checklist:
Identify target market
Determine market size and growth rate
Analyze market trends and patterns
Identify customer needs and preferences
Evaluate competition and their pricing strategies
Assess the market's willingness to pay
Determine potential pricing strategies
Estimate demand for each pricing strategy
Analyze the potential impact of each pricing strategy on revenue and profit
Select the most appropriate pricing strategy based on the analysis
Test the chosen pricing strategy in a small sample of the market
Implement the pricing strategy and monitor its effectiveness
Adjust the pricing strategy as needed based on market changes and feedback from customers and stakeholders.
This resource will help you conduct a thorough market analysis to inform your pricing objectives and support your organization's goals. Use this checklist as a guide to ensure that you consider all the relevant factors and make informed decisions about your pricing strategy.
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7/9/2023, 7:42 PM
OKR Review Preparation Checklist
Gather necessary documents
checklist of documents I need to gather to be ready for my OKR review
Previous quarter's progress report
Meeting notes related to OKRs
Any relevant emails or memos related to OKRs
Data or metrics related to progress towards OKRs
Feedback from team members or stakeholders
Any updates or changes to the OKRs since last quarter
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7/10/2023, 6:48 AM
Market Research Methods and Keywords
Conduct market research
list of methods and keywords for conducting market research
Methods for conducting market research:
Focus groups
Online research
Keywords to consider when conducting market research:
Customer needs
Customer preferences
Customer behaviors
Competitor pricing strategies
Best practices for conducting market research:
Define research objectives
Select a representative sample of customers and competitors
Use open-ended questions to gather detailed insights
Analyze and interpret data for patterns and trends
Remember to approach market research from a problem-solving perspective and experiment with new methods and techniques to uncover valuable insights.
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7/10/2023, 7:07 AM
Company Assets Checklist for Offboarding
Collect company assets
checklist of company assets to be returned
Checklist of Company Assets to be Returned:
Cell phone
Access badge
Any other company-issued equipment
Any other company-owned materials or documents
Ensure all assets are properly secured and stored until they can be reused or disposed of.
Communicate clearly with the departing employee about the process for returning assets and any associated deadlines.
Document the return of all assets, including the date and time they were returned and who they were returned to.
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Collect company assets
7/10/2023, 4:33 PM
Exit Interview Script for Knowledge Sharing
Conduct exit interview
script to support the exit interview, with questions prioritizing knowledge sharing
Here is a script to support the exit interview, with questions prioritizing knowledge sharing:

Exit Interview Script

Can you walk me through your role and responsibilities at the company?
What did you enjoy most about working here? What did you find most challenging?
Can you tell me about a project or accomplishment that you're particularly proud of?
Were there any areas where you felt you could have received more support or resources?
Can you share any feedback or suggestions for how we can improve our organization design, work design, or knowledge management processes?
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience at the company?
Remember to approach this conversation with empathy and a growth mindset. Listen actively and ask follow-up questions to understand the employee's perspective. Thank them for their contributions and ensure confidentiality. After the interview, update our HR records and the Coda process library accordingly.
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Conduct exit interview
7/10/2023, 4:34 PM
Factors for Evaluating Pricing Strategies
Evaluate pricing strategy options
list of factors for evaluating a pricing strategy
Target audience
Organization's values
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7/11/2023, 5:34 AM
Morning Strategy Objective-Setting Worksheet.
Set Q3 objectives
"Objective-Setting Worksheet”
Objective-Setting Worksheet
Use this worksheet to set effective objectives for Q3 that align with the values of Morning Strategy and follow best practices for objective-setting.
SMART Framework
Ensure that your objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound by using the SMART framework.
Specific: State exactly what you want to accomplish and why it is important.
Measurable: Determine how you will measure success and set a quantifiable goal.
Achievable: Ensure that the objective is possible to achieve given available resources and skills.
Relevant: Confirm that the objective is aligned with the overall goals of the organization.
Time-bound: Set a deadline for achieving the objective.
Collaboration and Action Plan
Consider involving your team in the objective-setting process to ensure buy-in and collaboration. Once you have established your objectives, create a clear action plan to achieve them. Review and finalize the action plan before moving on to the next step in the process.
Good luck with completing this step!
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7/17/2023, 11:01 AM
Vacation Time Request Form Template
Submit time off request form
Vacation Time Request Form Template

Vacation Time Request Form Template

To complete Step 3 in the Vacay Request process, follow these steps when submitting a time off request form:
Check your available vacation days to ensure that you have enough time off available for the requested dates.
Confirm coverage for your responsibilities during your absence to avoid any issues while you're away.
Submit the time off request form through the appropriate channels, making sure to include all necessary details such as the requested dates and any additional information.
When submitting the time off request form, remember to be clear and concise in your communication. Double-check the form for accuracy and completeness before submitting it to ensure that there are no misunderstandings or errors. If you receive approval for your requested time off, be sure to adjust your schedule and tasks as needed to ensure that everything is covered while you're away.
To access the form, click this link:
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7/27/2023, 6:04 AM
"SWOT Analysis Template for Consultancy Handover”
Conduct a SWOT analysis
SWOT Analysis Template for Consultancy Handover

SWOT Analysis Template for Consultancy Handover


To conduct a SWOT analysis, start by gathering a diverse group of stakeholders to assess your organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Encourage honest and open discussion to identify all relevant factors and perspectives. Consider using a SWOT analysis template to guide the conversation and capture key insights.


| Strengths | Weaknesses |
| --- | -— |
| | |
| | |
| Opportunities | Threats |
| -— | --- |
| | |
| | |
As you complete this step, keep in mind Morning Strategy's values of making work feel natural and prioritizing employee learning and growth. Encourage curiosity and problem-solving as you identify areas for improvement and potential opportunities. Remember to approach this step as a partnership, valuing autonomy and input from all stakeholders.
Completing this step should take approximately 4 hours. To ensure the most effective use of time, focus on sub-activities that make up the step, such as evaluating current processes, identifying inefficiencies, and conducting a stakeholder analysis. Avoid discussing work that comes before or after this step, and do not include information that would be better discussed in another part of the process. Good luck!
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8/3/2023, 6:24 AM
Performance Evaluation Guide
Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
Performance Evaluation Expectations Discussion Guide
Header: Performance Evaluation Expectations Discussion Guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide a framework for discussing performance evaluation expectations with your direct report. This discussion is a crucial step in the 📈 Performance Evaluation Process.
During the discussion, be transparent and clear about the evaluation process, actively listen to your direct report, and be open to feedback. Remember, Morning Strategy values partnership and curiosity, so approach this step with a collaborative and growth-oriented mindset.
Discussion Guide:
1. Review previous performance evaluations
2. Schedule a meeting with your direct report to discuss the evaluation process and their expectations
Discuss the purpose of the evaluation and what is expected from the process
Answer any questions your direct report may have
Listen to their feedback and concerns and take them into consideration when drafting the evaluation
3. Observe your direct report's work for a minimum of 4 hours
Take notes on their work and note any areas of strength and improvement
4. Draft the performance evaluation
Use the notes from the observation and the discussion to create a thorough evaluation
Be specific and provide examples to support your feedback
5. Schedule a meeting with your direct report to review and discuss the evaluation
Be prepared to answer any questions or concerns your direct report may have
Be open to feedback and willing to revise the evaluation as necessary
6. Revise the evaluation based on feedback and finalize
7. Submit the evaluation to appropriate parties
Completing this step in the 📈 Performance Evaluation Process is crucial to ensuring a successful evaluation. Use this guide as a framework for discussing evaluation expectations with your direct report and approach the process with a collaborative and growth-oriented mindset.
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Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
8/8/2023, 10:27 AM
Performance Evaluation Meeting Request Email
Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
Performance Evaluation Email to schedule meeting
Hi [Direct Report Name],
I hope this email finds you well. As you may know, we are approaching the time for your performance evaluation. I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the evaluation process and your expectations.
The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that we are on the same page about the evaluation process and what is expected from the evaluation. It is important that we establish a mutual understanding of goals and expectations in order to have a successful evaluation process.
Please let me know your availability for the next week, and we can schedule a time that works for both of us.
Thank you, and I look forward to our meeting.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
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Schedule a meeting with direct report to discuss evaluation process and expectations
8/8/2023, 10:25 AM
New Hire Knowledge Transfer Checklist
Create a knowledge transfer checklist for new hire
"New Hire Knowledge Transfer Checklist”
New Hire Knowledge Transfer Checklist
Welcome them to the team
Introduce the company culture and values
Explain the employee's role and responsibilities
Provide an overview of the training plan
Identify the training materials that will be used
Schedule time for training sessions
Job-specific information
Provide a job description and expectations
Explain the tools and software the employee will be using
Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics
Company-specific information
Explain the company structure and hierarchy
Introduce the company's products and services
Identify key stakeholders and partners
Support and resources
Provide contact information for IT support and HR
Identify key resources for the employee to reference
Explain the performance review process
Next steps
Set goals and expectations for the employee's first few weeks
Schedule regular check-ins and feedback sessions
Provide an overview of the employee's role in the larger company strategy.
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Create a knowledge transfer checklist for new hire
8/9/2023, 10:24 AM
Best Practices for Defining Key Knowledge Areas
Define key knowledge areas
Best practices for defining the key knowledge areas to support a person’s role

Best practices for defining key knowledge areas to support a person’s role

To define the key knowledge areas essential for a new hire's success, it is important to follow these best practices:
Review the job description and speak with the hiring manager to identify the required skills, knowledge, and expertise for the role.
Conduct research to identify industry best practices related to the role.
Prioritize the most critical areas of knowledge and present information in a clear and concise manner.
Consider using visual aids or diagrams to convey complex information.
Empower the new hire to succeed in their role by providing a solid foundation of knowledge.
Regularly check in with the new hire to evaluate and adjust the knowledge transfer process.
This resource is intended to support Task 1 in the QuickStart Onboarding process and aligns with Morning Strategy's values of employee learning and growth.
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Define key knowledge areas
8/23/2023, 9:37 AM
What is a “Knowledge Area”?
Define key knowledge areas
defining the meaning of “knowledge areas” when it comes to onboarding a new hire
Definition of Knowledge Areas: For the purpose of onboarding a new hire, knowledge areas refer to the essential skills, knowledge, and expertise required for their role, as well as any specific tools, systems, or processes they need to be familiar with.
Identifying Key Knowledge Areas: To identify the key knowledge areas for a new hire, review the job description, speak with the hiring manager or other relevant stakeholders, and conduct research to identify industry best practices. Prioritize the most critical areas and present the information in a clear and concise manner.
Visual Aids and Diagrams: Consider using visual aids or diagrams to convey complex information to the new hire and help them understand the key knowledge areas.
Focus on Empowering the New Hire: Approach this step with a focus on empowering the new hire to succeed in their role. By providing them with a solid foundation of knowledge, you can help them feel more confident and capable in their work, which in turn will benefit the organization as a whole.
Checklist and Check-Ins: Create a knowledge transfer checklist for the new hire and set up regular check-ins to evaluate and adjust the knowledge transfer process.
Note: This resource is designed to define the meaning of "knowledge areas" and provide guidance for identifying and presenting key knowledge areas during onboarding. It is aligned with the values of Morning Strategy and the QuickStart Onboarding process, but does not include information related to other steps in the process.
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Define key knowledge areas
8/23/2023, 9:38 AM
Internal Stakeholder Identification Guide
Identify relevant internal stakeholders for knowledge transfer
"Internal Stakeholder Identification Guide”
Internal Stakeholder Identification Guide
This guide is designed to help you identify the relevant internal stakeholders for knowledge transfer during the QuickStart Onboarding process. Use this guide in conjunction with the key knowledge areas identified in the previous step to ensure that new hires receive comprehensive and effective training from knowledgeable individuals within the organization.
Step 1: Review Organizational Charts and Team Structures
Start by reviewing the organizational charts and team structures within the organization. This will help you identify individuals who may be responsible for specific knowledge areas or who may have relevant experience to share with new hires.
Step 2: Reach Out to Senior Employees and Subject Matter Experts
Consider reaching out to senior employees or subject matter experts within the organization. These individuals may have specialized knowledge or experience that is essential for new hires to learn.
Step 3: Consider Previous Involvement in Onboarding or Training Initiatives
Review any previous onboarding or training initiatives that the organization has undertaken. Consider individuals who were involved in these initiatives and who may have valuable experience to share with new hires.
By following these steps and using this guide, you can identify the relevant internal stakeholders for knowledge transfer and ensure that new hires receive comprehensive and effective training from knowledgeable individuals within the organization.
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Identify relevant internal stakeholders for knowledge transfer
8/23/2023, 9:39 AM
Characteristics of a Good Internal Stakeholder for Knowledge Transfer
Identify relevant internal stakeholders for knowledge transfer
Characteristics of a good internal stakeholder to support knowledge transfer
Characteristics of a good internal stakeholder to support knowledge transfer:
Expertise: The stakeholder should have a deep understanding of the knowledge area being transferred and be able to convey information in a clear and concise manner.
Communication Skills: The stakeholder should have excellent communication skills and be able to tailor their message to the specific needs of the new hire.
Patience: The stakeholder should be patient and willing to answer any questions the new hire may have, as well as provide additional support as needed.
Availability: The stakeholder should be available to meet with the new hire on a regular basis and be responsive to any requests for additional support.
Empathy: The stakeholder should be able to put themselves in the new hire's shoes and understand the challenges they may be facing during the onboarding process.
By identifying internal stakeholders who possess these characteristics, Morning Strategy can ensure that new hires receive effective and comprehensive training, aligning with the organization's values of prioritizing employee learning and growth.
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Identify relevant internal stakeholders for knowledge transfer
8/23/2023, 9:44 AM
Sample Check-in Schedule for New Hire Onboarding
Set up regular check-ins with new hire
Sample Check-in Schedule with frequencies and agendas for each meeting
Sample Check-in Schedule:
Week 1: Introduction and Goal Setting
Week 2: Onboarding Progress Review
Week 3: Skill Development and Training Needs Assessment
Week 4: Performance Review and Goal Adjustment
Bi-weekly: Ongoing Support and Check-in
During each check-in, ask the new hire:
How are you doing?
Do you have any questions or concerns?
Do you need any additional support or resources?
Review progress and ensure goals are being met
Provide constructive feedback and guidance
Collaborate with the new hire to ensure successful check-ins.
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Set up regular check-ins with new hire
8/23/2023, 9:51 AM
Knowledge Transfer Feedback Form (for New Hire)
Evaluate and adjust knowledge transfer process
Knowledge Transfer Process Employee Feedback Form including sample questions to better understand the new hire’s experience throughout the process
Knowledge Transfer Process Employee Feedback Form
Use this form to gather feedback from new hires and internal stakeholders involved in the knowledge transfer process. The feedback received can be used to identify areas where the process could be improved, such as adding additional training or adjusting the timing of check-ins.
Sample Questions:
1. How would you rate your overall experience with the knowledge transfer process?
2. Were there any areas where you felt the knowledge transfer process was unclear or incomplete?
3. Did you receive the necessary information and skills to be successful in your role?
4. Were the check-ins with your supervisor effective in addressing any questions or concerns you had?
5. Do you have any suggestions for improving the knowledge transfer process for future new hires?
Remember to prioritize employee learning and growth in this process to ensure that new hires feel supported and engaged.
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Evaluate and adjust knowledge transfer process
8/23/2023, 9:54 AM
Knowledge Transfer Feedback Form (for Internal Stakeholders)
Evaluate and adjust knowledge transfer process
Knowledge Transfer Feedback Form with Sample Questions (for internal stakeholders who transferred knowledge to new hires)
Knowledge Transfer Feedback Form with Sample Questions
Use this form to gather feedback from internal stakeholders who transferred knowledge to new hires. The feedback will help you evaluate the effectiveness of the knowledge transfer process and identify areas for improvement.
Sample Questions:
How would you rate the effectiveness of the knowledge transfer process?
Did the new hire receive the necessary information and skills to be successful in their role?
Was the timing of check-ins appropriate? If not, when would have been a better time?
Were there any areas of the knowledge transfer process that could have been improved?
Did you receive adequate support and resources to transfer knowledge to the new hire?
Remember to prioritize employee learning and growth in this process to ensure that new hires feel supported and engaged.
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Evaluate and adjust knowledge transfer process
8/23/2023, 9:57 AM
Qualitative Interview Data Analysis Methods
Process Interview Notes
Different methods of qualitative interview data analysis and how to use them
Thematic Analysis: This method involves identifying patterns and themes in the interview data. Start by reading through your notes and highlighting key phrases or ideas that stand out. Then, group these ideas into themes or categories and look for relationships between them. This method is useful for identifying commonalities and differences across interviewees and can help you understand key issues or concerns.
Narrative Analysis: This method involves analyzing the stories or narratives that interviewees tell during the interview. Look for common themes or motifs in these stories and consider how they relate to the research question or topic. This method is useful for understanding how interviewees construct their experiences and can help you identify key themes or issues.
Content Analysis: This method involves analyzing the content of the interview data, such as the words or phrases used by interviewees. Look for patterns or trends in the language used and consider how these relate to the research question or topic. This method is useful for identifying key issues or concerns and can help you understand the language and terminology used by interviewees.
Discourse Analysis: This method involves analyzing the social and cultural context in which the interview takes place, as well as the power dynamics between the interviewer and interviewee. Look for patterns or themes in the language and behavior used by both parties and consider how these relate to the research question or topic. This method is useful for understanding how social and cultural factors influence interview responses and can help you identify key issues or concerns.
Grounded Theory: This method involves developing a theory or framework based on the interview data, rather than starting with a preconceived theory or hypothesis. Start by reading through your notes and identifying key themes or patterns. Then, use these themes to develop a theory or framework that explains the data. This method is useful for generating new insights or theories and can help you understand the research question or topic in new ways.
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Process Interview Notes
9/12/2023, 4:36 PM
How to Analyze Interview Narratives for Hiring
Process Interview Notes
How to conduct a narrative analysis on an interview transcript
Header: How to Conduct a Narrative Analysis on an Interview Transcript
Step 1: Transcribe the Interview
Transcribe the entire interview verbatim, including any pauses, filler words, and nonverbal cues.
Step 2: Read and Re-read the Transcript
Read through the transcript multiple times to get a sense of the overall narrative and identify key themes and insights.
Step 3: Identify Key Themes and Insights
Use highlighting or coding to identify key themes and insights that emerge from the interview.
Look for patterns in the interviewee's responses, as well as any areas of expertise or experience that stand out.
Step 4: Organize the Themes and Insights
Organize the key themes and insights into categories or clusters.
Use tools like mind maps or flowcharts to help you visualize the relationships between the themes and insights.
Step 5: Interpret the Narrative
Interpret the narrative based on the key themes and insights that emerge from the interview.
Look for underlying meanings and connections between the themes and insights.
Step 6: Draw Conclusions and Make Recommendations
Use the narrative analysis to draw conclusions and make recommendations about the hiring process.
Use the insights to inform the next steps in the hiring process, such as selecting candidates for further interviews or making hiring decisions.
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Process Interview Notes
9/12/2023, 4:40 PM
"Interview Scheduling Email Template”
Schedule Interview
Interview Scheduling Email Template
Interview Scheduling Email Template
Dear [Interviewee Name],
I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to schedule an interview with you as a part of our stakeholder interview process. The purpose of the interview is to gain valuable insights into [purpose of the interview].
We are flexible with scheduling and would like to work around your schedule to find a time that works for you. Please let us know your availability for the next two weeks, and we will coordinate with you to schedule a time that suits your schedule.
In the meantime, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the interview process. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
This email template can be used to schedule an interview with a selected interviewee as a part of the stakeholder interview process. Use the template as a starting point and modify it as necessary to fit your specific needs. Remember to be flexible with the interviewee's schedule and provide clear communication on the time and date of the interview.
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9/12/2023, 10:44 PM
Performance Evaluation Framework
Draft performance evaluation
Performance Evaluation Framework with sections and ratings for evaluating an employee’s performance

Performance Evaluation Framework


This performance evaluation framework is designed to help managers evaluate the performance of their direct reports. It includes sections and ratings for evaluating an employee's performance and provides a structured approach for completing Step 4 of the Performance Evaluation process.


The evaluation should include the following sections:
Job Responsibilities: This section should outline the employee's job responsibilities and provide a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
Goals and Objectives: This section should outline the employee's goals and objectives and provide a clear understanding of what they are working towards.
Performance Review: This section should evaluate the employee's performance against their job responsibilities and goals and objectives. It should provide specific feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement.
Development Plan: This section should outline the employee's development plan and provide specific actions that can be taken to improve their performance.


The evaluation should include the following ratings:
Exceeds Expectations: The employee consistently exceeds job responsibilities and goals and objectives.
Meets Expectations: The employee consistently meets job responsibilities and goals and objectives.
Needs Improvement: The employee occasionally falls short of job responsibilities and goals and objectives.
Unsatisfactory: The employee consistently falls short of job responsibilities and goals and objectives.
By using this performance evaluation framework, managers can provide detailed and structured feedback to their direct reports, ensuring a fair and effective performance evaluation process.
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Draft performance evaluation
9/19/2023, 11:15 AM
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