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HR Exit Interviews - Assisted by AI

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Response Notes
Name + Role + Response Notes
Jane Smith
What circumstances prompted us to be here today? Or for you to start looking for another job?
Main reason was personal stuff leading to burnout, but component for me around unclear expectations for the role and what it meant to be successful. Not getting feedback. Joining a team that was notoriously not super organized. Felt murmurings of my performance that weren’t communicated to me. But hurt my confidence in leadership communicating what success means, hurt my own confidence. When a company scales from 50 people, deep connection, so intrinsic motivation but at this point feel the growing pains.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Main reason was personal stuff leading to burnout, but component for me around unclear expectations for the role and what it meant to be successful. Not getting feedback. Joining a team that was notoriously not super organized. Felt murmurings of my performance that weren’t communicated to me. But hurt my confidence in leadership communicating what success means, hurt my own confidence. When a company scales from 50 people, deep connection, so intrinsic motivation but at this point feel the growing pains.
Under what circumstances, if any, would you consider returning to the company? OR  What could have been done for you to remain here?
To return it’d have to be the right role fit. If something available in the future, would return. Clear expectations, regular feedback, what it means to be successful.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - To return it’d have to be the right role fit. If something available in the future, would return. Clear expectations, regular feedback, what it means to be successful.
Do you think management adequately recognized employee contributions? If not, how do you think recognition could be improved?
Yeah I think so. We nailed positive feedback, but needs to be balanced, especially when the person knows need to get constructive.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Yeah I think so. We nailed positive feedback, but needs to be balanced, especially when the person knows need to get constructive.
Did you receive constructive feedback to improve your performance as well? What can we improve about the process of delivering feedback?
The biggest thing for improving feedback is laying out role expectations or being explicit they are vague. But if there are things that are expected, that’s the biggest thing for me. Makes it easier to give constructive feedback if have expectations. Not sure Ankur knew what he was holding me against, what expectations. Also being told I was the only junior person in the role, so couldn’t look to the others as peers. Being told I’m taking up a senior seat.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - The biggest thing for improving feedback is laying out role expectations or being explicit they are vague. But if there are things that are expected, that’s the biggest thing for me. Makes it easier to give constructive feedback if have expectations. Not sure Ankur knew what he was holding me against, what expectations. Also being told I was the only junior person in the role, so couldn’t look to the others as peers. Being told I’m taking up a senior seat.
Did you have clear goals and objectives?
Yeah, the way that we plan I set out projects. I was deciding what they were. Towards the end I fell back to things that would help me set better boundaries. Did a lot of team operations - help route requests, build docs to support the team. Fell back to things that I felt like could be wins b/c didn’t feel like I was having wins in my role. But felt bad volunteering for clerical piece b/c didn’t feel like I was getting wins, but then seeing others to be successful. Wish I was redirected from this so I could have tried to have more wins. What’s tough w/ the performance piece, even w/ 5 weeks off, hit most of OKRs except ones put on w/ exploration. Set OKRs but felt like another set of expectations that weren’t communicated.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Yeah, the way that we plan I set out projects. I was deciding what they were. Towards the end I fell back to things that would help me set better boundaries. Did a lot of team operations - help route requests, build docs to support the team. Fell back to things that I felt like could be wins b/c didn’t feel like I was having wins in my role. But felt bad volunteering for clerical piece b/c didn’t feel like I was getting wins, but then seeing others to be successful. Wish I was redirected from this so I could have tried to have more wins. What’s tough w/ the performance piece, even w/ 5 weeks off, hit most of OKRs except ones put on w/ exploration. Set OKRs but felt like another set of expectations that weren’t communicated.
Do you feel your job description changed since you were hired, and if so, in what ways?
Since I joined, each of roles in I was laying the tracks while driving the train. Then in new space to decide what roles to bring on team. I think I performed well for first couple years. I then joined data team w/ expectations that weren’t clearly communicated. Have to manage stakeholder relationships, which I kind of did on support, but w/ data, navigating diff types of agreements and had to do that part well.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Since I joined, each of roles in I was laying the tracks while driving the train. Then in new space to decide what roles to bring on team. I think I performed well for first couple years. I then joined data team w/ expectations that weren’t clearly communicated. Have to manage stakeholder relationships, which I kind of did on support, but w/ data, navigating diff types of agreements and had to do that part well.
Did you feel that the work you were doing aligned with your personal goals and interests?
Yeah, a lot of it was. I really really enjoyed a lot of the data work and analyses. The only part that was really hard for me was the stakeholder relationships. In a customer support role say yes to customers. W/ internal stakeholders have to say no and set boundaries. That was a lot harder to feel engaged w/ it. Confidence kept getting hit. Not able to be successful.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Yeah, a lot of it was. I really really enjoyed a lot of the data work and analyses. The only part that was really hard for me was the stakeholder relationships. In a customer support role say yes to customers. W/ internal stakeholders have to say no and set boundaries. That was a lot harder to feel engaged w/ it. Confidence kept getting hit. Not able to be successful.
Did you feel you had the tools, resources and working conditions to be successful in your role? If not, which areas could be improved and how?
Team was supportive, had a lot of tools and resources. Some of it chaotic w/ tools and resources. Didn’t know where to go or send people or set boundaries. Ankur was good at walking through tools and through challenges at me to help me learn. But didn’t feel supported on how to set up relationships and partnerships - Megaphone was chaotic and I was switching projects every quarter. I was constantly switching to something new. Demand marketing, then all megaphone, then SEO. Got whiplash kind of. Acknowledging that part of the role is to be able to navigate the ambiguity. Trying to switch so many times.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Team was supportive, had a lot of tools and resources. Some of it chaotic w/ tools and resources. Didn’t know where to go or send people or set boundaries. Ankur was good at walking through tools and through challenges at me to help me learn. But didn’t feel supported on how to set up relationships and partnerships - Megaphone was chaotic and I was switching projects every quarter. I was constantly switching to something new. Demand marketing, then all megaphone, then SEO. Got whiplash kind of. Acknowledging that part of the role is to be able to navigate the ambiguity. Trying to switch so many times.
Do you feel you had the necessary training to be successful in your role? If not, how could it have been better?
That’s a tough one, can’t put on the company. It was taking chance on me. Any role in data, data science is a big field, so as far as anything company could have done better... biggest thing helpful for me, guidelines on how to build relationships, how to establish ownership of different parts of the work. At a big rock level, can be confusing. Eng might be building dashboards, but needed training to navigate those relationships. Maybe if in role long enough, comes easy. But think there’s some nuances here. What part of work do you own.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - That’s a tough one, can’t put on the company. It was taking chance on me. Any role in data, data science is a big field, so as far as anything company could have done better... biggest thing helpful for me, guidelines on how to build relationships, how to establish ownership of different parts of the work. At a big rock level, can be confusing. Eng might be building dashboards, but needed training to navigate those relationships. Maybe if in role long enough, comes easy. But think there’s some nuances here. What part of work do you own.
How can our company improve training and development programs? (leave very open ended)
See above
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - See above
What was the best part of your job here?
The people. I think the company has a high bar for hiring, and that’s the hardest part to leave. Everyone is super creative, and unique, and passionate. A lot of good people.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - The people. I think the company has a high bar for hiring, and that’s the hardest part to leave. Everyone is super creative, and unique, and passionate. A lot of good people.
If you could change anything about your job, what would you change?
Clear role expectations, more feedback (manager training). Maybe this is a me thing, but have heard from others too, communication system feels chaotic - slack is hard to stay up to date on.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Clear role expectations, more feedback (manager training). Maybe this is a me thing, but have heard from others too, communication system feels chaotic - slack is hard to stay up to date on.
What are three things you'd change about the company?
Mentioned, but role stages and expectations. Communication strategy - meaning our comms structure generally can be chaotic, and create inclusive spaces for people (not overwhelming new folks too much).
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Mentioned, but role stages and expectations. Communication strategy - meaning our comms structure generally can be chaotic, and create inclusive spaces for people (not overwhelming new folks too much).
How would you describe the culture of our company?
See answer to 11 and There is some encouragement to explore and get curious and live right over familiar. We’re good at breaking molds w/ DEI stuff, evaluating if things aren’t working, etc. The flexibility to be curious to dig into different things can be very motivating.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - See answer to 11 and There is some encouragement to explore and get curious and live right over familiar. We’re good at breaking molds w/ DEI stuff, evaluating if things aren’t working, etc. The flexibility to be curious to dig into different things can be very motivating.
Do you have any suggestions for improving employee morale or engagement?
At that point where we’ve tipped into scaling. Used to be small super connected team to now not know everyone. For BizPlat, sort of felt expected to keep same level of expectation, which feels in authentic. Keep smaller and it will be better - larger events feel like forced fun. We’ve leaned away from this a bit like “Dory, Molly, etc” but as we scale that can be exclusive - megaphone does “garden parties” (don’t know what that means). And then clear expectations for success. Continuing to encourage good work life balance- esp when folks are responding to emails at all hours.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - At that point where we’ve tipped into scaling. Used to be small super connected team to now not know everyone. For BizPlat, sort of felt expected to keep same level of expectation, which feels in authentic. Keep smaller and it will be better - larger events feel like forced fun. We’ve leaned away from this a bit like “Dory, Molly, etc” but as we scale that can be exclusive - megaphone does “garden parties” (don’t know what that means). And then clear expectations for success. Continuing to encourage good work life balance- esp when folks are responding to emails at all hours.
Do you have any concerns about the company or management that you’d like to share?
No, don’t think so. The thing that was hard was moving from manager to IC, knowing that we were told to make sure to focus on positive feedback, but I know it needs to be balanced w/ constructive. There is a secretive space in a way.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - No, don’t think so. The thing that was hard was moving from manager to IC, knowing that we were told to make sure to focus on positive feedback, but I know it needs to be balanced w/ constructive. There is a secretive space in a way.
Did you share your concerns with anyone at the company prior to leaving?
Yes, I shared a lot of the feedback.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - Yes, I shared a lot of the feedback.
What skills do you think we should look for in the person we hire to take on a similar role?
[off the record] - Alex is really tough. In what used to be my favorite meeting he’ll dominate the conversation for 30min. Even John looks dead inside, I can tell he’s just saying “I’m so over this.” Worried he’s going to ruin the culture / experience for a lot of others. Quickly.
Jane Smith (Product Manager) - [off the record] - Alex is really tough. In what used to be my favorite meeting he’ll dominate the conversation for 30min. Even John looks dead inside, I can tell he’s just saying “I’m so over this.” Worried he’s going to ruin the culture / experience for a lot of others. Quickly.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Jane Smith (Product Manager) -
Sam Barnes
What circumstances prompted us to be here today? Or for you to start looking for another job?
Realizing that customer success wasn’t a good fit for what I was interested in my career long term.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Realizing that customer success wasn’t a good fit for what I was interested in my career long term.
Under what circumstances, if any, would you consider returning to the company? OR  What could have been done for you to remain here?
An opportunity in professional services or a leadership role would have presented the right new challenge.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - An opportunity in professional services or a leadership role would have presented the right new challenge.
Do you think management adequately recognized employee contributions? If not, how do you think recognition could be improved?
I do, yeah. But always room for more in that area. Not specific to the company.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - I do, yeah. But always room for more in that area. Not specific to the company.
Did you receive constructive feedback to improve your performance as well? What can we improve about the process of delivering feedback?
I did receive feedback about my performance. Where i would have liked more feedback was on growth opportunities - because I was asking for it would have liked to know how I could have gotten to a better spot.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - I did receive feedback about my performance. Where i would have liked more feedback was on growth opportunities - because I was asking for it would have liked to know how I could have gotten to a better spot.
Did you have clear goals and objectives?
No. Not very. I do recognize because team is growing and emerging. Didn’t feel like that was a major issue though. Knew it was changing and being defined.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - No. Not very. I do recognize because team is growing and emerging. Didn’t feel like that was a major issue though. Knew it was changing and being defined.
Do you feel your job description changed since you were hired, and if so, in what ways?
No. It didn’t. It was my impression of the job changed. And not necessarily any thing about the job.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - No. It didn’t. It was my impression of the job changed. And not necessarily any thing about the job.
Did you feel that the work you were doing aligned with your personal goals and interests?
Sort of. Parts did and parts didn’t. Certain aspects of what I enjoyed others didn’t.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Sort of. Parts did and parts didn’t. Certain aspects of what I enjoyed others didn’t.
Did you feel you had the tools, resources and working conditions to be successful in your role? If not, which areas could be improved and how?
Yes, I did. I did feel like had enough of all of those.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Yes, I did. I did feel like had enough of all of those.
Do you feel you had the necessary training to be successful in your role? If not, how could it have been better?
Yes. There was one aspect that I personally didn’t have experience with - email campaign / sales outreach that didn’t have experience with and could have used support on that early in the role.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Yes. There was one aspect that I personally didn’t have experience with - email campaign / sales outreach that didn’t have experience with and could have used support on that early in the role.
How can our company improve training and development programs? (leave very open ended)
Might be something you’ve done or plan to do, but for me, an intentional time where we talk about career, discussed at company level or encourages that to happen.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Might be something you’ve done or plan to do, but for me, an intentional time where we talk about career, discussed at company level or encourages that to happen.
What was the best part of your job here?
I loved working directly with makers and problem solving a specific request.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - I loved working directly with makers and problem solving a specific request.
If you could change anything about your job, what would you change?
I would have preferred more technical doc building and less outreach.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - I would have preferred more technical doc building and less outreach.
What are three things you'd change about the company?
Meetings- the stats and stories meeting was too into the weeds in stats and the stories was not intentional enough. Both are very important and missed opportunity to make it polished and valuable. Felt like a weekly update rather than intentional high impact sharing of trends and stories. Already been discussed but the way that slack channels, vs emails, vs doc - the way information is shared and collaborated on is going to be hard to scale as the team grows.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Meetings- the stats and stories meeting was too into the weeds in stats and the stories was not intentional enough. Both are very important and missed opportunity to make it polished and valuable. Felt like a weekly update rather than intentional high impact sharing of trends and stories. Already been discussed but the way that slack channels, vs emails, vs doc - the way information is shared and collaborated on is going to be hard to scale as the team grows.
How would you describe the culture of our company?
Very, um, people are highly motivated, competent and creative. In some ways the focus on efficiency and how things are run I appreciated. So much on our product. Allows for intentional discussion.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Very, um, people are highly motivated, competent and creative. In some ways the focus on efficiency and how things are run I appreciated. So much on our product. Allows for intentional discussion.
Do you have any suggestions for improving employee morale or engagement?
In person events which doing soon!
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - In person events which doing soon!
Do you have any concerns about the company or management that you’d like to share?
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - No
Did you share your concerns with anyone at the company prior to leaving?
No, other than the role fit.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - No, other than the role fit.
What skills do you think we should look for in the person we hire to take on a similar role?
Doing all the right things right now, just making clear the responsibilities.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - Doing all the right things right now, just making clear the responsibilities.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
I really appreciated time here and loved the product.
Sam Barnes (Engineer) - I really appreciated time here and loved the product.
Adam Parsho
What circumstances prompted us to be here today? Or for you to start looking for another job?
Realized I wasn’t feeling challenged on a daily basis. I felt like I should push myself and started to learn more on the side.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Realized I wasn’t feeling challenged on a daily basis. I felt like I should push myself and started to learn more on the side.
Under what circumstances, if any, would you consider returning to the company? OR  What could have been done for you to remain here?
If there was a chance to join the engineering team after I’ve finished my CS education. I don’t want to work in operations anymore and want to be more technical.
Adam Parsho (EA) - If there was a chance to join the engineering team after I’ve finished my CS education. I don’t want to work in operations anymore and want to be more technical.
Do you think management adequately recognized employee contributions? If not, how do you think recognition could be improved?
Yes, I always felt positive feedback. People were very supportive.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Yes, I always felt positive feedback. People were very supportive.
Did you receive constructive feedback to improve your performance as well? What can we improve about the process of delivering feedback?
My manager helped me a ton with my writing, communication, and organization.
Adam Parsho (EA) - My manager helped me a ton with my writing, communication, and organization.
Did you have clear goals and objectives?
Adam Parsho (EA) - Yes
Do you feel your job description changed since you were hired, and if so, in what ways?
No, it was very consistent and had a nice blend of work.
Adam Parsho (EA) - No, it was very consistent and had a nice blend of work.
Did you feel that the work you were doing aligned with your personal goals and interests?
Initially yes, but I realized I have a different passion.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Initially yes, but I realized I have a different passion.
Did you feel you had the tools, resources and working conditions to be successful in your role? If not, which areas could be improved and how?
Yes, lots of support.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Yes, lots of support.
Do you feel you had the necessary training to be successful in your role? If not, how could it have been better?
Lots of hands-on learning, which I liked.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Lots of hands-on learning, which I liked.
How can our company improve training and development programs? (leave very open ended)
I’d love more support on my public speaking skills.
Adam Parsho (EA) - I’d love more support on my public speaking skills.
What was the best part of your job here?
People - totally amazing.
Adam Parsho (EA) - People - totally amazing.
If you could change anything about your job, what would you change?
Nothing - just wished I enjoyed it more.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Nothing - just wished I enjoyed it more.
What are three things you'd change about the company?
Would love to see us invest in more face to face time. Being remote was a bit dry.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Would love to see us invest in more face to face time. Being remote was a bit dry.
How would you describe the culture of our company?
Collaborative, transparent, fast-moving.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Collaborative, transparent, fast-moving.
Do you have any suggestions for improving employee morale or engagement?
As I said earlier, in-person time.
Adam Parsho (EA) - As I said earlier, in-person time.
Do you have any concerns about the company or management that you’d like to share?
Adam Parsho (EA) - No
Did you share your concerns with anyone at the company prior to leaving?
Adam Parsho (EA) - No
What skills do you think we should look for in the person we hire to take on a similar role?
Hyper motivated and organized.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Hyper motivated and organized.
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Really grateful for my time here.
Adam Parsho (EA) - Really grateful for my time here.

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