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Drive a culture of feedback with this Coda resource
Drive a culture of feedback with this Coda resource

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Live Feedback Conversations



Prepare for potentially tough conversations by knowing yourself and the preferences of the person you are sharing with. Lean on curiosity and gratitude to get through likely discomfort.

Tips for giving live feedback:

The guidance and frameworks in apply here. Give that page a read before jumping into a live feedback conversation.
Ground yourself in why you are giving this feedback. Are you seeking to motivate a teammate? Help them learn? Change a behavior? Understand your purpose, and be prepared to communicate that to your feedback receiver.
Ask before you give, and respect the wishes of the receiver. While timeliness is important, let the receiver put themself in a place where they are ready to receive.
In the moment: “Can I share an observation with you?”
Planning ahead: “I have some observations to share with you - would you like to hear them? Let me know when and how you’d like to discuss.”

Name your discomfort. Not sure how the receiver will take it? Unsure you have the perfect words? Let your receiver in on that vulnerability and create the space for this to be a human connection.
Ask questions - “What’s your reaction to this?” “How does this sound to you?” “How are you feeling right now?” “What can I clarify for you?”
Offer a follow-up. Everyone processes feedback differently. Give space for the feedback receiver to reflect.
Thank your feedback receiver. A simple “thanks for listening” goes a long way.

What about anonymous feedback?

We highly encourage a conversation when it comes to feedback. But if there is something that needs to be anonymous... Reach out to the People Team and we’ll talk it through.


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