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Lean-Agile Portfolio Management for a Modern Strategic Planning

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1. Business Model Design Space

Header Page. Here we will use several tools for analysis of the business model design space. Including a FOAR and Blue Ocean Analysis among other entreprise level strategic planning
1.1 Business Model Design Space
Event Page. Here we develop an understanding of the environment in which the Business is created and operated. Much in the style of Porter's 5 Forces.
1.2 Baseline Business Model Canvas
Event Page. Here we establish a shared understanding of the current Business Model Canvas as a Baseline for the entire enterprise. This is a Strategic Planning Team activity done in real time
1.3 FOAR Analysis
Event Page. Here we develop an understanding of Strengths; Opportunities; Aspirations and Results, for each block in the Baseline Business Model Canvas. A variant from the standard SWOT analysis. The idea is to put emphasis in the future and not the past
1.4 Blue Ocean
Event Page. Here we develop a Blue Ocean Analysis. The idea is to identify forms to reduce costs and add value to our baseline business model. We accomplish this through four simple questions in each Business Model Canvas Block
1.5 Portfolio Vision
Event Page. Here we clarify goals and high level objectives by developing a Portfolio Vision - A Postcard from the Future Technique - We wish we were here! - All members start thinking how to get there using our strengths.
1.6 Operational Value Stream (OVS)
Event Page. OVS are the sequence of activities needed to deliver a product or service to a customer. Here we give visibility and a shared understanding of the OVS that are already in place within the organization
1.7 Development Value Stream (DVS)
Event Page. This is a Strategic Planning Team activity done in real time to establish the Development Value Streams (DVS) that should be considered by the organization. The idea is to give visibility and to create a shared understanding about them.
1.8 Portfolio Canvas
Event Page. Here we work on the Portfolio Business Model Canvas. This is a Strategic Planning Team activity done in real time to develop a shared understanding of the Portfolio Business Model
1.9 Key Outputs
Presentation Page. Here you will find in one place all the relevant outputs generated in the Business Model Design Space · Pedro Bernardo Juan Celis Caraballo
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The first step a Modern Strategic Planning is to develop a complete understanding of our Business Model Design Space. It means that the organization has to study the internal and external environment using tools such as and a SWOT analysis.

With this newly acquired information and understanding, the organization is ready to establish a Portfolio Vision through the answer of very specific questions about possible innovations in products and services.

The output of these strategic planning exercises is an interesting compendium of thought processes that result in a Portfolio Vision; Development Value Streams; and the Portfolio Canvas, which is a Business Model encompassing the whole portfolio.

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