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Epic / Enabler Statement

Template Page. This template serves the purpose of developing an epic or enabler statement. It is used to structure hypothesis associated to each epic or enabler defined in the Portfolio of Products and Services
Note: This is a Stand-Alone Table that may be used as-is
or developed into a full-fledged Coda-Doc.
Template - Epic or Enabler
Date of Entry in Funnel
<Write Date in which the epic was first included in the funnel>
Epic Name
<Write a Brief Epic Name>
Epic Owner
<Select Epic Owner>
Value Statement
<Epic Statement of value - elevator pitch style - that describes the epic in a brief and concise manner>
Epic Description
For <users / clients>
who <do something specific>
the <epic solution>
is a <thing that explains the How>
that <provides specific valueo>
different from <competitors, current solution, or absent solution>
our solution <do something much better that explains the rrason for this epic>
Expected Business Results
<Write expected and measurable benefits for the business that may be forecasted if the epic hypothesis proves to be correct>
Key Indicators
<Write early measures that will help to predict business result of the epic hypothesis>
Non Functional Requirements (NFR's)
<List non functional requirements associated with the epic - NFR>
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