Coda acquires Plato to jointly spread engineering excellence

Coda has acquired Plato, the largest community of engineering leaders in the world, to better serve high-performing engineering teams.

Quang Hoang

General Manager of Plato

Quang Hoang here, co-founder and CEO of Plato, the world’s largest community of software engineering leaders. I am excited to share that Plato has been acquired by Coda. I have long been a fan and superuser of Coda and I have very much appreciated Coda’s support for Plato during the last 6 years as my co-founder, JB Coger, and I have built the Plato community from the ground up. Not only have we run all Plato internal operations in Coda for many years but Coda has sponsored Plato events as well. Through this relationship, I learned that Coda is focused on serving product and engineering teams, although it is a flexible product that can be used enterprise-wide. I’m incredibly proud of the Plato community, given the motivation I see in the community to share learnings and help each other. Our goal all along has been to make an impact to help engineering leaders run their teams efficiently and effectively. Keep reading for more about how Plato + Coda can bring the best of our combined capabilities toward our shared goal of spreading engineering excellence.

The Plato community.

Plato, a Y Combinator start-up, launched in 2018 as a mentorship platform for engineering leaders. Plato matches tech managers to mentors who are highly experienced engineering leaders from top tech companies to help resolve challenging management situations. Since 2018, there have been 100K+ one-to-one mentorship sessions conducted on the Plato platform and over 1,000+ group mentorship series (Circles). There are 1,500 mentors and 350 companies using Plato. Over time, Plato has evolved into a full-fledged community, including events, webinars, and content. We have organized hundreds of in-person meet-ups and dinners with CTOs/VPs Engineering. Plato also organized 11 conferences for the community, called Elevate, gathering thousands of engineering leaders, the last of which was sponsored by Coda in November 2023.

Elevate 2024.

The 2023 conference was such as success and we are pumped to host the upcoming Plato Elevate conference in San Francisco on June 5th and 6th. Elevate is the no-nonsense conference for engineering leaders, designed to share tangible learnings that engineering leaders can take back and apply to their teams.
We are expecting 1,000 engineering leaders to attend and already have an amazing lineup of speakers from companies such as Airbnb, GitLab, Stripe, SoFi, and Slack. There will be keynotes, workshops, and roundtables.
If you haven’t already registered to attend, use this coupon code ELEVATE2024-CODA-LOVES-PLATO to get 50% off.

Plato newsletter.

Although Plato has been distributing weekly newsletters for years, we launched a substack newsletter in 2023 following the Elevate conference and have been publishing content written by engineering leaders in the community on a weekly basis. Each article has stemmed from live talks at Plato events, with a deeper dive into the topic in written form.
Since December, Plato has published 15 of these in-depth articles including “How we do architecture at Okta,” by Monica Bajaj and Mark T. Voelker, “How we evaluate engineering performance at Gusto,” by Eddie Kim, and “How we turn data teams into better engineers at Netflix,” by Andrea Hairston.
Make sure to subscribe to the Plato newsletter to access all of this this and upcoming content.

What’s next: We’re building an Engineering Operating System (EngOS) with the help of the Plato community.

At Plato, we’ve been working tirelessly on this mission to spread engineering excellence for the past six years. We believe that Plato and Coda together can double down on this mission. First, we will be offering more to the community: scaling the events, meet-ups, webinars, and content. Second, this will allow us to continue cataloging hundreds of engineering team rituals so we can not only share best practices but also build those solutions to spread engineering excellence. Learn more about our vision of EngOS, and if you have any questions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you.

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