Agile amplified: How Miro supercharged sprint planning with Coda

How Miro bridged the gap between creative ideation and structured execution for a product launch.

Kate Hostetler

Partner Marketing Manager at Miro

Every Agile practitioner knows the struggle of bridging ideation to execution. Brilliant ideas flow freely during brainstorming sessions, but translating them into actionable tasks and measurable outcomes often becomes a bottleneck. It’s a challenge that resonates across industries, from tech startups to enterprise-level organizations. Teams frequently find themselves using one tool for visual collaboration and ideation, and another for structured planning and documentation. This disconnect between creative ideation and structured execution is where many Agile teams falter. But what if there was a way to seamlessly bridge this gap?
Get more planning tips from Miro and Coda.
Curious about how Miro and Coda manage planning? Join us for a fireside chat with Miro's Head of Product Ops and Coda's Principal Solutions Architect to hear how we create planning rituals that fuel our strategic goals. Register here.

Accelerating Agile with integrated collaboration.

The Coda for Miro app is designed to solve this exact problem and we used it to organize the Miro and Coda launch. We kicked off with a Miro board that quickly filled up with ideas for features, marketing strategies, and even this blog post (meta, right?). With a click that feels more satisfying than popping bubble wrap, we sent all those ideas straight into Coda. No copy-paste gymnastics required!
By combining Miro’s innovation workspace with Coda’s powerful documentation and project management capabilities, our team was able to enjoy a seamless flow from ideation to execution. In Coda, our board transformed into actionable tasks. We assigned blog post writing (👋 that’s me!), set deadlines for feature rollouts, and tracked our progress. As we worked, our Miro board kept updating, like watching our launch come to life in real time. When the time came for our daily stand-ups, the process was noticeably smoother. Instead of scrambling to remember what we did yesterday, everything was visually mapped out in Miro, with all the nitty-gritty details a click away in Coda. This integration didn’t just save us time—it reduced stress and allowed us to focus on the right work at the right time. We’ve found it can be most helpful for:
  1. Sprint Planning: Miro’s collaborative workspace is a great place to brainstorm and visualize your sprint goals. With the integration, you can easily convert Miro sticky notes and cards into structured Coda tables.
  2. Task Assignment: Once your ideas are in Coda, assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress all in one place. The integration ensures that any updates in Coda are reflected back in your Miro board.
  3. Sprint Execution: As the team works through the sprint, Coda’s powerful features track progress, highlight blockers, and manage resources. The Miro board remains a visual representation of your sprint, updated in real time.
  4. Sprint Retrospectives: At the end of your sprint, Miro makes it easy to collaboratively reflect on what went well and what needs improvement. You can seamlessly transfer these insights back to Coda for action item tracking and future sprint planning.

AI-powered Agile: The future is now.

When we started working with the Coda for Miro app during launch planning, we realized that the Miro-Coda integration isn’t just about connecting two platforms—it’s about unlocking new possibilities with AI. Both Miro AI and Coda AI are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in Agile workflows, helping teams work smarter, not harder. Miro AI became a crucial part of our workflow, offering instant assistance when we needed it most. One morning, after an intense brainstorming session, we found ourselves staring at a Miro board overflowing with ideas for our launch. That’s when we turned to Miro AI, letting it take care of the busy work. It automatically began clustering related ideas, making it easy to spot patterns and connections we hadn’t immediately noticed.
As we planned the launch, Miro AI helped us streamline key tasks, including this blog post and the marketplace listing for the integration. It identified dependencies, like coordinating content needs and help center links for the app listing, and helped us allocate resources and time effectively.

Innovative task management and team collaboration.

When we got to task planning, we saw that the real magic happens when you combine AI capabilities with your Agile workflow. Once our ideas were organized in Miro, Coda and Coda AI took over to help us create a clear execution path. We used Coda AI to help us assign tasks, track progress toward milestones, and make sure deadlines were met. This seamless handoff from Miro to Coda ensured that our team’s energy was efficiently channeled into actionable tasks, keeping our sprint on track from start to finish. During the sprint, the benefits became even more apparent. Coda AI streamlined our daily stand-ups by automatically summarizing progress, highlighting blockers, and even suggesting solutions based on how similar issues were resolved in past sprints. This process saved us valuable time, allowing the team to focus more on solving problems rather than just reporting them. The result? A more engaged team and a more efficient sprint.
When it came to sprint reviews and retrospectives, we had access to deep insights into our performance. It analyzed our velocity trends, identified patterns in completed vs. planned work, and even saved us time by creating one-click shortcuts using our work on the canvas. By leveraging the Coda for Miro app for this launch, we weren’t just making individual tasks more efficient, we were supercharging our entire workflow. The outcome? Faster iterations, more accurate planning, and, ultimately, better outputs delivered to our customers.

The future of Agile: Collaborative, visual, and data-driven.

As we look to the future, it’s clear that Agile methodologies will continue to evolve. The Miro-Coda integration, enhanced by AI capabilities, represents a significant step in this evolution. It brings together the best of visual collaboration, structured data management, and AI-powered insights to create a more efficient, transparent, and adaptable Agile workflow. By bridging the gap between creative ideation and structured execution, this integration doesn’t just solve a long-standing problem in Agile workflows, it opens up new possibilities for innovation and efficiency. As you embark on your next sprint, take a page from our playbook at Miro. The Coda for Miro integration amplified our Agile practices, from sprint planning to retrospectives and daily stand-ups to long-term roadmapping. This powerful combination is set to redefine what’s possible in Agile project management. The future of Agile is here, and it’s more visual, collaborative, and intelligent than ever before. Ready to supercharge your sprints?

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