How Appetiser grew from $2M to $8M in 2 years with Coda.

Appetiser's founder and Director, Jamie Shostak, shares his experience using Coda to grow Australia’s top app development company.

Jamie Shostak

Appetiser's founder and Director

How Appetiser grew from $2M to $8M in 2 years with Coda.

By Jamie Shostak

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Case studies > Appetiser
About Appetiser
  • Mobile and web app development agency
  • Based in Victoria, Australia
  • Top 1% of Australia's app developers
  • Helped to build companies worth more than $3.5 billion
How Appetiser uses Coda
  • OKRs & dashboards
  • Company roadmap
  • Recruiting & HR
  • Product & course management
  • CRM & reporting
  • Sales & marketing
Working with Coda to create made it possible for us to grow to 150 new employees across three continents with a recruitment and onboarding process that’s 100% digital.
Jamie Shostak
Founder and Director at Appetiser

The results

The problem

Appetiser needed fully customizable software that could support them through growth. They were solving for remote collaboration, a team that was growing exponentially, and a never-ending list of targets to hit. Shostak considered Asana, Airtable, Trello, and JIRA, but found that pre-boxed solutions were too rigid for their needs.
There are some great one-size-fits-all tools out there, but we needed something that could be moulded to Appetiser’s unique strategy.
Jamie Shostak
Founder and Director at Appetiser

The solution

Building systems in Coda helped Appetiser shift to a fully remote team without losing steam. Shostak worked with Coda to build a doc for automating and tracking new member onboarding, which reduced a one-week process to a three-day one without compromising effectiveness. They also customized an OKR system to help with time management and task-level results.

Appetiser built an agile system that reflected their team's unique strategy.

There’s a distinct advantage to working with a tool that’s as agile as your team. Coda allowed us to meet the challenges of a growing company and ever-expanding team head-on.
Jamie Shostak
Founder and Director at Appetiser

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