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The 4-Hour Chef: Apply the frameworks from Tim Ferriss' book on learning how to learn

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Find the right cadence to learn and acquire the skill.
Questions to consider: How often should I practice? Should I do fewer, longer learning sessions or more frequent, shorter sessions? Can I cram? What setbacks can I predict? What is the for greatest return?
Regarding setbacks, Tim found he was able to predict these, as well as plateaus and strong periods of growth, using a graph he created while tracking his progress learning languages. This graph can be used to predict peaks, valleys, and plateaus in the study of any discipline, including
. This, in turn, will allow you to anticipate ups and downs so that you stay motivated during setbacks. With this in mind...

✅ Pick a start date and end date for learning

Pick your Start Date 👉

Pick your End Date 👉

Days between start and end:
60 days

By plugging those dates into Tim's bipolar learning graph, you can anticipate the learning peaks, valleys, and plateaus you'll likely encounter in that time period. This template has done it for you. Results below.
💡 Note: The total days between your start and end dates is divided by 8 to figure out the time in between the different stages.
➡️ You will hit a peak in learning.
➡️ You will hit a low point.
➡️ Progress will pick back up again and then plateau for a while.
➡️ After the long plateau, you'll hit an inflection point around this date.
➡️ You will master the skill. 🔥

Final note per Tim:

This forecast is subject to you nailing every other step in Meta-Learning, of course, and it's a tool of estimation. That said, it can be surprisingly accurate, especially for attempts that last longer than two months.
Tim's Meta-Learning frameworks can all be found in , beginning on page 26.

Interested in exploring from the DiSSS framework?

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