(dog)'s Records & Schedule

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Under each the and sections are independent of each other. Therefore, there are multiple ways to utilize this document.

🐕 🐩 Multiple Dogs

Create a new Doc for each dog in your pack
1 Doc with each dog having it’s own Records section.
Click to Add another dog


If you have a new puppy or one that you are trying to potty train, use both the Medical and Potty Training pages. If you have an older older dog that you aren’t potty training, delete the Potty Training section or parts of it.

🔔 Notifications

In order to get push notifications for any Annual Shots that are upcoming, you will need to turn on the notifications for this Doc on your mobile device. To do that, download Coda to your phone, navigate to this doc and follow these steps:
Click on the 3 Dot menu
Select Notifications
Toggle on Mobile Notifications

Navigating this Document

The following instructions will help you navigate the different sections of this document. If you have older pups, make sure to call the vet's office and request a detailed medical history in order to fill in the tables.
Don’t forget to change the “(dog)” in the section title names to your pups name!!! The few records in each table are there for example and should be deleted once you start using the document!
Use this Section to add important information about your dog. (Could be used as a quick Lost Dog poster)
Items you will need to update:
Any colored text on this page will need replacing. The Green is just text and you can highlight and write over it. The Purple is a named formula and you can change it by right clicking and updating.
The Dog's weight, respiratory rate, heart rate and temp all also calculated from the Vet Visits table.
The stock dog image to one of your pup! 📸

The “Add Visit” Button will auto populate the date and current age of the pup. Best advice is to do this while you are in the vet’s office.
The “Add Medication” Button will quickly add any meds to the Medication List on the page which you can then select in the Medication / Shot column.
Cards - a view of the Medications Table but filtered to only show the annual shots and their due date.
Date and Age - Auto populated based on the day you create the record and the dog’s birthday date.
Reason - is for why you went to the vet (Annual Exam, Skin irritation, etc.)
Notes - is for the results of any test or directions from the vet (heartworm test-negative, Skin scrape-negative, etc.)
Receipt - to take a picture of the visit print out.
Weight - drives the Current Weight at the top of the page. The Vitals are averaged and shown also at the top of the page.
Best advice is to capture the weight, temp, pulse & RR as the vet tech is gathering it. They usually will take the measurements and record them but most of the time won’t verbalize these.

Currently set up to track allergies but could easily track any condition with just a few changes to the column headers.
Edit the link by adding your zip code after the last forward slash. This will set the link to open for your location. (See below)
This page holds a couple of back end tables that drive the section of this Doc.
See the instructions below for each section to understand how to document works. For older dogs, you may choose to delete the Potty and Feedings section to save space in your doc. The few records in each table are there for example and should be deleted once you start using the document!
This page shows all the medications & shots that the dog has been given.
Only medications that are labeled as “Annual Shot” are given a due date. If you choose to be notified on more than just the shots, you can edit the formula in the Due Date column.

Log the puppies bathroom breaks by clicking the “Add Potty Break” Button.
Select whether the dog peed, pooped, or did both, then whether it was inside or outside.
To get the best results make sure to log EVERY SINGLE TIME. This data will show you when the dog is ready to extend the time between bathroom breaks and therefore better success at Potty Training.

Log the feedings of the puppy by clicking the “Add Feeding” Button.


More Information

This doc may notify you that it has outgrown its plan. You can fix this, by deleting the page, page, and any of the following subpages you plan to not use: Potty, Feedings, or Allergy. DO NOT Delete the subpage.

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