Gannon’s CPO Toolkit: Cross-functional Product Planning & Execution at Scale

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Planning Playbook

We use the OKR (Objectives & Key Results) framework for both strategic and tactical planning.


We leverage OKRs in the way best suited for the business at this stage. Even if you have practiced OKRs at other companies, please continue reading to become familiar with my approach to planning and results measurement. To learn more about OKRs check out the section.

Strategic and Tactical OKRs

Planning is broken down into two main phases:
- This is the first phase of planning and is driven by e-staff with a goal towards defining a mission, annual Objectives and Key Results, and Key Performance Indicators. The final strategic plan is also informed by solicited feedback from the rest of the company.
- The second phase of planning is driven at the squad level, with each squad developing its own set of OKRs and Initiatives, with input from everyone on the team.

Cycle Planning Cadence

Planning is conducted for season (spring, summer, fall, and winter). Planning for an upcoming Cycle should begin no later than 6 weeks prior to the start of the Cycle. While strategic (company) plans follow an Annual cycle, these should be re-assessed half-way through the year and adjusted as necessary.

Strategic OKRs

Annual (Company)

Tactical OKRs

Seasonal (Squads)

Planning Principles

Our goal is to provide guidance and clarity with e-staff driven strategic OKRs, while empowering teams to define their own objectives, means of measuring progress towards that Objective, and the specific Initiatives the team intends to undertake to drive those results.


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