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Hadar's Product Interviewing Toolkit
Hadar's Product Interviewing Toolkit

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How to pass the interviews

General advice before jumping into the key frameworks
Have a structured approach to every answer you give
Clearly communicate with the interviewer the structure you’re going to use, and actually follow it
Be adaptable: your interviewer may throw curveballs, the initial prompt may not perfectly fit your usual frameworks, etc. If you’re familiar enough with them, this shouldn’t be a problem!
Check in frequently with your interviewer throughout the interview. Ask, “does this all make sense? Any questions/pushes around my train of thought here?”
Be humble: when the interviewer pushes back on something you're saying, it's not necessarily because you're wrong. They just want to see how you respond to feedback
The people I've most enjoyed interviewing are those who I felt like the interview was a collaboration between two people on an equal playing field
Focus on the team ("we did this"), but also be clear about your role in the process and why you were a multiplier
Interviewing is a great way to network. Whether things work out or not, stay in touch with the people you meet

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