Design Team Hub

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A beautiful team hub that's easy to update and prevents context switching

This team hub template can be your digital HQ, combining a team wiki, project management, asset library, meetings, and requests. Help your teammates avoid context switching and give them the information they need to succeed all in one place.
A team wiki is a place to store centralized knowledge, increase transparency, and speed up work across the team. A well built out team wiki or knowledge hub is especially beneficial during a new employee’s onboarding process. When everything is documented in one place for learning about each teammate’s roles, responsibilities, and projects, this results in less meetings and random pings on Slack or Teams to find the answer to a question.
Coda team wiki template
A home base for all your team’s rituals, projects, tasks, and culture
We’ve talked to dozens of team leaders using Coda as their team wiki, and discovered a few things that make their wiki “sticky” with their teammates:
It has to be easy to update
Prevents context switching between communication tools (e.g. Slack) and work tools (e.g. spreadsheets)
Can see the big picture and small details if needed
Is aesthetic to look at once it’s all “built out”

We built this team wiki template to include all these benefits. Get started right away by making a copy of this template:
Copy this doc
or head to the page to see how this template is structured.
Read/watch below to see how some teams have gotten value from managing their team wikis in Coda. This template happens to be customized for a design team but can be tailored to any use case. Contact our team if you need help customizing this template!
Watch of how Angela Wu Li, Exec Assistant to CEO @ Mode and Van-Anh Su, Sr. Manager of Biz Ops & Strategy @ BrightInsight use Coda as their team wiki:
Screenshot on 2022-04-06 at 17-23-35.png

Designing your team wiki to be simple and intuitive

When you’re designing a team wiki in Coda, you can take full control of the messy “back-end” of the wiki and edit the tables, formulas, and buttons to your heart’s content. While you’re working behind the scenes, the “front-end” used by your team will be aesthetically appealing and easy to use. Coda’s building blocks (tables, automations, embedding, automations) allow you to create a system that can serve different hierarchies at your organization.
Angela Wu Li talks about embedding other tools and the flexibility of tables in Coda
I love embeds. And also tables which are super simple. Just being able to have one general table and being able to link it across several pages. When someone edits something one page, it keeps everything else updated. You don’t have to copy and paste over and over. — Angela Wu Li, Mode Analytics

Figure out the problem you’re looking to solve with your team wiki

Cataloguing all the existing tools your team or organization are using helps with identifying the problems you’d be soling with a comprehensive team wiki. Where are the holes and gaps in knowledge management? What processes are broken or need refinement? Having conversations with all relevant teams and stakeholders ensures that your team wiki actually solves problems versus being yet another tool your team needs to learn how to use.
Van-Anh Su discusses the pre-work her team did before building out their team wiki in Coda
We asked what problem we are trying to solve? What are the existing solutions? Why are they not working? Doing that analytical work in the beginning brings clarity. We took the mindset of what can we do to bring relevant information and knowledge to help people do their jobs better that’s not being met elsewhere. — Van-Anh Su, BrightInsight

A balancing act of what to include

Too little information, and the team wiki isn’t useful (and people are stuck opening a bunch of tabs to find information they need). Too much information, and the wiki is overwhelming. The team wiki also needs to be flexible enough so that people at all levels of the organization can edits parts of the wiki that they have permission to edit.
Angela Wu Li rolled out their wiki in phases and includes company mission/values in the wiki
People hear the mission of our company but I still think it’s important to include in your wiki. Especially in a remote world where we’re not all in the same office and we don’t have banners all over the place to remind us of our values and why we are here. — Angela Wu Li, Mode Analytics

Involving senior leadership as you build out the wiki

Keeping leaders across the organization involved in the development of the wiki leads to easier buy-in down the road. Different departments not only provide their feedback on the wiki, but can add their own relevant info to the wiki.
Van-Anh Su discusses how their phased roll-out of their wiki led to its successful adoption
As we were building out our wiki, we were very intentional about involving our leadership team. We helped them understand the purpose of the wiki and the benefit it would provide the organization. Since we are growing so much, we need a central location for new hires to find information. — Van-Anh Su, BrightInsight

Knowledge management can be fun with the right wiki

Aggregating your company’s information into a central hub or intranet can be a daunting task. Especially if the tool is difficult to update or requires deep technical expertise. Since Coda looks and feels like a doc, anyone can edit the wiki and built it out so that it’s customized for every team or department.

Van-Anh Su talks about the opportunities their team wiki in Coda created for her organization
Our team wiki showed me the opportunities for how we can make knowledge management fun. Through building our wiki, it helped me adjust my perspective and mindset on what’s possible. — Van-Anh Su, BrightInsight

A wiki that’s easy to update

As mentioned earlier, this wiki template should be easy to update. Since Coda looks and feels like a doc, it’s supposed to be more welcoming to anyone on your team who may want to update the wiki. If you’re coming from an existing wiki or intranet tool that is difficult to update, you may find Coda’s interface easier to use.
Shagun Bahadur.jpeg
At previous organizations I worked in, we had a traditional intranet with web pages to update. Updating and maintaining these intranets was very cumbersome. The intranet becomes too large for any one person to update. Coda is built in a way that eliminates this. You can have multiple stakeholders update the pages that they care about, and all of it is done in real time. — Shagun Bahadur, Digital transformation lead, Sattva Consulting

How a cohesive team wiki can drive change

Change can be hard. It’s normal to get used to our own way of doing things. A team wiki forces teams to have better standards and processes. As teams use Coda regularly, some positive changes happen:
Increased participation - From using the reactions feature to entering more data into the wiki, all members on your team begin to participate more.
Increased transparency - No more opening 10 different tabs. Now you only have to check one place to see updates on projects, design artifacts, and more across the entire team.
Stronger identity - Since most teams are working remotely, a team wiki helps build a sense of identity for the team when meeting in person ins’t an option.

Other team wiki templates to get started with

by Angela Wu Li, Mode Analytics
by Van-Anh Su, BrightInsight

Templates for inspiration to build your team hub

These are examples of templates that extend your team wiki into other workflows on your team:
Create a bespoke
for overdue project tasks
Start with:

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