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We Work Remotely Job Board

Track open remote roles and your application process in this We Work Remotely template.
We’re always hearing from our remote work community that one of the most challenging parts of looking for a new remote job is to NOT feel overwhelmed with the process. Looking for a job has many moving pieces: finding the jobs, tailoring CVs and cover letters, sending applications, following up with applications, having interviews, following up with interviews, and sometimes, tasks and tests. Just writing that was overwhelming!
Not being organized with our remote job search can make us feel tired, unmotivated, and even miss out on opportunities because we didn’t apply on time or we didn’t follow up on something. It’s so easy for details to slip through the cracks!
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
If you break down the process into smaller tasks, it’s way easier to focus on sending great applications and knowing what to do next.
So, where to start? How to make sure you’re doing what you can to stay motivated and organized when applying for remote jobs?
We created this doc as an answer to that!
Even if you’re not the most organized person, this pack will help you stay on track with your applications, follow up where you need to and, overall, land that remote job you want!

What is We Work Remotely?

We Work Remotely is the largest community of remote jobs across the world. It provides job listings across various fields and roles that applicants can apply to.
The Job Board on this doc allows for users to apply through We Work Remotely, as well as, keep track of their favorited jobs, applications, and recruiting process. We all know, the recruiting process for getting a job of your interest is rigorous, and sometimes hard to track. This doc allows for all users to keep track of all their applications as well as plan and prep for upcoming interviews.

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How to use this Job Board?

Step 1: We Work Remotely Open Job Listings

Visit the page to view a Job Board that is updated in real time with all job postings on . You can view all jobs by role type in
Broken link
, and can also change the type of role you wish to look for by clicking Edit.
If you are interested in a role, you can favorite by clicking the Favorite button, or you can also apply directly by clicking Quick Apply.

Step 2: Favorited Jobs & Applications

In this doc, you have a personalized page of jobs that are you interested in applying to, . This will allow you to narrow down on your options and place applications from there. Once you apply to a job, it is listed in .
In the , you can drag and drop your job cards as you move through the process. This will help you stay on top of all your job applications placed through We Work Remotely.

Step 3: Calendar

In , you can add new interviews that you are invited to based on the stage of the job being in Interview Process. This will allow you to see all upcoming interviews and how to plan and prepare for them.

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