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How to run better, more engaging team meetings

Use this guide to kick boring, unproductive meetings to the curb.
SJ Crawford
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and start building better meetings today!

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Have you ever noticed how much time we spend talking about meetings?

Seriously, we can’t shut up about them. Peruse LinkedIn or Medium for more than a minute and you’ll see think piece after thought leadership after tips on improving our synchronous work time.
It’s not hard to see why we’re obsessed with the subject. According to Slido’s meeting trend reports:
70% overall increase in meetings since 2020
47% of attendees feel like a majority of their meetings are not engaging
42% of attendees have left a meeting without saying what was on their mind.
Running an engaging meeting shouldn’t feel like rocket science. Coda’s building blocks are designed to foster interaction, clearer communication and easier collaboration — all key ingredients for a successful meeting stew. Use this guide as your to run team meetings so good, it might just might make your inner Ron Swanson smile.

Cry tears of efficient meeting joy with this guide.

How will this help me run a better meeting?

Great question, we’re so glad you asked. Follow along with our instructions and tips below while playing around with the doc. Once you’re ready, you can to crush your next meeting.

Step 1: Add a status update and meeting topics

Add status update
Add meeting topic
Archive status updates

How this section works

Share this doc with meeting attendees in advance. Try adding it to your calendar invites so it’s easy to find.
Encourage folks to submit sentiment and topics before the meeting, effectively creating a pre-read. No more wondering “so what is this meeting about?”
Get a pulse on how everyone is feeling with the sentiment tracker and the gifs.
You can also add columns to capture more info from your team. Try adding a column for “Ongoing projects” or “This week’s focus” to spice things up.
😀 Status updates
How are you feeling?
If this week were a gif
Weekly check-in
SJ Crawford
Have a lot on my plate, struggling to focus, could use some focused time to get stuff done!
Kay Diaz-Ferrigno
Everything is everywhere all at once. Juggling a lot of account stuff and am in desperate need of vacation!
Miranda Nghiem
Came back from vacation & ready to go this week!
Toni Watt
Feeling a bit overwhelmed this week coming back from time away, but otherwise great!
There are no rows in this table

Pro tip: you can use the to send reminders to individuals or team channels to ensure everyone’s on the same page.

Step 2: Add and upvote your meeting topics


How this section works

Have a clear meeting roadmap and discuss the topics most important to your team. The estimated time and the ability to upvote topics create an agenda that’s focused around this week’s priorities.
Do you have too many topics for the meeting’s runtime? No problem, you can always push them to next week.
Once you’re done discussing items, click the
Archive Meeting Topics
button to archive the meeting.
Who’s the person reading? Use the reaction to signal to others that it’s time to move onto the next section and keep your meeting humming.
Add your meeting topic here
Estimated time
Thu, Mar 30
Incorporating Negroni Spagliatos into our user outreach campaigns
Kay Diaz-Ferrigno
10 mins
Thu, Mar 30
How do we incorporate more AI in our meetings?
SJ Crawford
15 mins
Thu, Mar 30
Drafting email copy for test campaign around invites and shares
SJ Crawford
15 mins
Thu, Mar 30
When are we getting together for an in-person meeting?
Miranda Nghiem
10 mins
Thu, Mar 30
No more doing ourselves on things we really shouldn’t be doing
Toni Watt
5 mins
There are no rows in this table
55 mins

Finished voting? Click here. →

Meeting Length

We have
55 mins
blocked with
5 mins

Archive Meeting Topics

Step 3: Discuss your meeting topics


How this section works

Use the timer to ensure that one person who never stops talking (we all know one) actually stops talking. (💡Tip: be sure to reset it once you’re done!)
Appoint a note taker (or have the topic submitter take notes) - Encourage the topic submitter to take notes on their topic and add action items.
Quickly add action items for yourself or other teammates to follow up on in proceeding meetings.
Hit the “complete” button to mark the agenda item as “done” and archive it. You can always revisit your conversation on the page.
Incorporating Negroni Spagliatos into our user outreach campaigns
Drink of last-fall, bc corporate delay, something fun and spicy! Non-alcoholic version! Launch timeline? Q2!!! Miranda- which users? New users!
How do we incorporate more AI in our meetings?
AI is a force! We should keep this in mind as we move forward with all new campaigns! Toni - Worries about prioritizing user benefits.
Drafting email copy for test campaign around invites and shares
When are we getting together for an in-person meeting?
No more doing ourselves on things we really shouldn’t be doing
Incorporating Negroni Spagliatos into our user outreach campaigns
Time Remaining
Start 10 minute timer
Estimated time
10 mins
Include any additional notes here.
Drink of last-fall, bc corporate delay, something fun and spicy!
Non-alcoholic version!
Launch timeline? Q2!!!
Miranda- which users? New users!

Add Action Item
Action Items
Action Item
Date Created
Due Date
Toni Watt
Not started
Non-Alcoholic item
Kay Diaz-Ferrigno
Not started
Kick start this thang. Q2 launch
Miranda Nghiem
Not started
Pull the list of new users
There are no rows in this table
Complete Meeting Topic

Step 4: Enjoy your new and improved recurring team meeting!

Meetings so smooth, you’ll be even happier than these two.

Bonus tips:

Be sure to click the
Archive Status updates
and the
Archive Meeting Topics
to refresh your doc for the next meeting.
Keep track and manage your action items on the page.
Revisit old meetings on the
Add meeting recordings so folks who are unable to attend the meeting live can stay updated without slacking a friend “what’d I miss?”

Now that you’ve made it this far, what are you waiting for!?
Make your own meeting doc

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.