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Database Overview

Content Page. CODA Docs are powered by a Database in the form of tables. Here you will find a description of those tables and a link to find them

Base Tables are by default, viewed as just simple tables, with no sorting, filtering or column hiding. It is easier to check them out like this and modify whatever is necessary.

Following, you will find an explanation, and connections created for each backoffice table that powers the document.

1.1 Business Model Design Space

- This a very simple table, and it only has one connection in . Here it is viewed as a card, so that it is easy to fill and document. This table should not have more rows than the ones already has.

1.2 Baseline Business Model Canvas

- This is also a very simple table, with nine different views connected in page . Here, there is a view for each Canvas Block, in which an Interactive Baseline Business Model Canvas Event may be done.
- This is a Look-Up table for the previous table, with the name of the Baseline Canvas Blocks, already with adequate color formatting and an image associated with each block. This Look-Up table is used in several other tables.

1.3 FOAR Analysis

- This is a basic table for the FOAR Analysis event. It also uses the as the Look-Up Table for Canvas Block names. It has one connection with a Detailed view here, . This is the view used in the .

1.4 Blue Ocean

- This is a basic table for the Blue Ocean Analysis Event. It also uses the as the Look-Up Table for Canvas Block names. It has one connection with a Display view here, . This is the view used in the .

1.5 Portfolio Vision

- This is a basic table for the Portfolio Vision Event. It has two connections. One is the Display view here, . This view is used in the . Another is the Output view here, , used as one of the main outputs of the Business Model Design Space.

1.6 Operational Value Streams (OVS)

- This is the table used for the Operational Value Stream Event. It has one connection to the Display view here, , used in the .

1.7 Development Value Stream (DVS)

- This is the table used for the Development Value Stream Event. This will become the Look-Up table for the Development Value Stream in several other tables throughout this CODA Doc. There are fourteen connected views of this table. Thirteen are views for each one of the building blocks of the Value Stream, located in the page. Another is the Output view here, , used as one of the main outputs of the Business Model Design Space.

1.8 Portfolio Canvas

- This is the table used for the Portfolio Canvas Event. There are thirteen blocks in the Portfolio Canvas. Each one has a table view in the page and another table view in the page. This table uses the Development Value Stream Table as a Look-Up table for the DVS names and ID.

2.1 Objectives

- This is the table used for establishing enterprise wide objectives. It uses as a Look-Up table for the name and ID of the Development Value Stream. This is one of the few base tables with conditional formatting. The idea is to document all brainstormed objectives and leave them be even if they are not selected for the OKR period, so that they will serve as future reference. There are three connected views of this table, two that are used in the Event. One is for the purpose of brainstorming several objectives and choose those that are a priority: . The other is for qualifying the objectives chosen previously: . This Objectives table will be used as a Look-Up column in the Key Result tables. The third connected view is located in the page. This is for the purpose of showing Objectives progress.

2.2 Key Results

- This is the table used for establishing key results for each enterprise wide objective. It uses as a Look-Up table for the Objectives. There are six connected views of this table. Four of them are used in the Event. One is for the purpose of brainstorming several key results per objective and choose those that are a priority: . The other three are for qualifying key results chosen previously. There are three tables so that teams can work in parallel if need be. The fifth tableview is for documenting OKR's as one of the main outputs of the OKR's at Portfolio Level: , in the Page. Finally, the sixth connected view is located in the page. This is for the purpose of updating and showing OKR progress.

2.3 Epics and Enablers

- This is the table used for establishing initiatives in the form of Epics and Enablers. This is actually the heart of this CODA Doc because it is the base of the Portfolio KanBan Board. This table is used for the remaining events and tasks that are needed in the process. This table uses the as a Look-Up table for the Objectives and Key Results that created each initiative (Epic and Enabler). There are several connected views used in different stages of the process:
view is used for the brainstorming of new Epics and Enablers, based on the Enterprise Wide OKR's. For this to work, Scrum Master/Product Owner must create at least one row for each key result in the .
view is used to document all Epics and Enablers added to the Funnel at the Portfolio KanBan Board. It is an easy view to check all the epics and enablers and compare them.
view is used exclusively for the Epic/Enabler Owner to work and deepen the knowledge on the subject of the Epic or Enabler. It is a Task view, and not an Event view.
view is used exclusively for the Epic/Enabler Owner to work on the Lean Business Case of the Epic or Enabler. It is a Task view, and not an Event view. However, the Epic/Enabler Owner will send this view to other team members to receive feedback when necessary.
view is used for the Go / No-Go decision making event. In this event, several Epics and Enablers are presented by their Owners to the Committee, for a decision.
display view is used as an information radiator table, to evaluate results from the Minimum Viable Product ongoing experiments. Epic/Enabler Owners may request frequent feedback using this view.
display view is used also as an information radiator table, to evaluate pivot or persevere decisions from the ongoing implementation experiments. Epic/Enabler Owners may request frequent feedback using this view.
card view is used as an information radiator to see the status of all the Epics and Enablers and how they progress along the KanBan Board.
is a Look-Up table for the to be used in its . It includes the names of the stages and the Work in Process limits for each stage.
is a table to make visible the Work in Process limits of the Portfolio KanBan Board. It uses the as a Look-Up table. It has conditional formatting to detect if the Work in Process limit has been violated. It has a connected view here, , so that WIP violation is visible at the page.

3.3 Lean Business Case

is a Table used for initializing values in CODA Doc tables with Canvas Columns. It is specially used for the Lean Business Case documented in the . If Epic/Enabler Owners wish to change initial values in those columns, they should do so here.

Other Stuff

is a table for planning purposes of the whole process of Modern Strategic Planning.
is a Look-Up table for roles.
is a Look-Up Table for Committees.
is a Look-Up Table for all responsibilities during the process.
is a Table for including images throughout the document.

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