Hiring hub
Hiring hub

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Job description

A job description should clearly communicate the job responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for what success looks like in the role. It serves as a guide to evaluating candidates in the hiring process. Complete prior to job being posted.


Steps for Writing a Job Description

Have a clear job title

The title should reflect the role and is easily understood by potential candidates.
Tip: Do light market research to see what the industry standard is for similar roles at other companies.

Provide an engaging overview

Highlight the company's mission, culture, and the impact of the role within the organization.

Outline responsibilities and tasks

Clearly define the duties and responsibilities of the role, focusing on the key areas of ownership and function that the candidate will be expected to perform.

Specify qualifications and requirements

Define the essential qualifications, skills, and experience necessary for the role.

Set clear expectations

Clearly communicate performance expectations, such as goals, targets, or metrics, to provide candidates with a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

Highlight the company culture and values:

Describe the company culture, values, and any unique aspects that make the organization an attractive place to work.

List of company benefits and perks

List competitive benefits, compensation packages, training opportunities, or other perks associated with the position at your company.

Tips ✨

Use inclusive language: Ensure that the job description uses inclusive language to promote diversity and avoid any potential biases.
Keep it concise and easy to read: Use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs to make the job description scannable and easy to digest.
Review and revise: Proofread the job description to eliminate any errors or inconsistencies. Seek feedback from colleagues or hiring team members to ensure clarity and accuracy.
By following these steps, you can create a well-crafted job description that effectively communicates the role's requirements and attracts qualified candidates.

About the company

Tip: Have your company intro be consistent and standard across all roles.

Role description

In this role you will...

You may be a great fit for this role if you...

Company benefits

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement

Tip: Have your EEO consistent and standard across all roles.
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