How we’re thinking about pricing for enterprise AI

With a new category like enterprise AI, how do you get to the right pricing? Here are our learnings so far.

Glenn Jaume

Product Manager at Coda

How we’re thinking about pricing for enterprise AI

By Glenn Jaume

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AI · 6 min read
If you’ve ever designed pricing for a new product, you’ll know that it can be difficult to get it right. This is especially true when you’ve built a new innovation without established standards in the market. Pricing has been top of mind for us as we’ve been building our AI products, Coda AI and Coda Brain, over the past 18 months. The AI space is rapidly evolving, with new products and pricing models appearing all the time. Through our explorations—including talking to many of our customers—we’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge and learnings about what businesses expect from AI pricing. Here are some of our top insights and thoughts so far.

Consumer AI ≠ enterprise AI.

When thinking about pricing for our AI products, we first looked to consumer AIs, as they were the primary AI tools on the market at the time. Typically, consumer AIs are either free, like Meta AI, or work on a freemium model with paid plans for higher limits or additional features, like Claude from Anthropic or ChatGPT from OpenAI. But the reality is that, although they are both built on LLM (large language model) technology, consumer AIs and enterprise AIs are very different. The biggest difference is that consumer AIs don’t have access to your company data, meaning they lack context for the tasks you’re asking them to do. Conversely, enterprise AIs are connected directly to the tools you use, so they can provide much more specific, personalized responses—and, therefore, deliver more value.
Enterprise AIs like Coda Brain are also built into the tools you’re already using for your work. That means they go beyond answering questions and enable you to actually take action, like providing a table of your highest-value deals that you can insert straight into a sales weekly meeting dashboard. Despite this, we chose to include Coda AI—our AI assistant built directly into your Coda docs—for free for doc makers. That’s because we knew Coda AI would be incredibly useful and wanted anyone making docs to benefit from that power as part of their core experience with Coda. We plan to do similar for our enterprise customers with Coda Brain, our turnkey AI platform specifically designed to meet the data volume challenges typically felt by larger businesses.

Flexibility and transparency are must-haves.

One thing we hear repeatedly from customers is that they don’t want to be surprised by higher bills than they were expecting. That’s true for any product but is especially true of something new like AI—businesses are often still “testing the waters” and want proof of value before investing more. One way to solve for this is “pay-for-what-you-use” pricing, where your bill is directly aligned to how much you use the product. But the challenge with pure usage-based pricing is that customers often struggle to know what their consumption will be—especially if it’s a type of product they haven’t tried before—which makes predicting spend extremely difficult. Some ways to solve for this are allowing customers to set spend limits or offering tiers that customers can move freely between. Providing a free trial period so they can get a sense of their usage before committing can also be really helpful. With Coda AI, we’ve chosen a model that combines usage (in the form of AI credits, which roughly equate to the amount of content in your AI prompts and responses) with a seat-based approach. That means that doc makers get Coda AI for free, with a generous allowance of credits that can be pooled and used across your team. Admins can see how many credits have been used, and by whom. They can also set limits and buy more credits if needed, giving them complete control and flexibility over how much they spend.
Our customers tell us they appreciate the simplicity and transparency of this approach, so we plan to use a similar seat-with-credits model for enterprise customers using Coda Brain. But one important thing to note is that the key to this model feeling customer-friendly is the generous credit allowance. Which brings us to...

Limits should feel limitless.

In an ideal world, AI products would offer unlimited access. But the reality is that running LLMs and the other technologies powering enterprise AI products is expensive. Plus, these technologies often have their own rate limits, so it’s critical to ensure that one customer doesn’t inadvertently affect access for your other customers by (intentionally or unintentionally) causing your product to hit those rate limits. These considerations mean that AI products typically need to enforce some sort of upper limit for usage. However, you don’t want your customers getting frustrated because they feel like they’re constantly hitting limits. The way we’ve balanced these needs is to make the limit high enough that most people shouldn’t have to ever think about their AI credit usage. For those that have much higher AI usage than typical, or who really don’t want to think about credits at all, we offer the option of additional credits or customized plans. This approach benefits our customers by giving them a smooth experience while also reducing the risk of one outlier impacting the experience for everyone.

Pricing is never “done.”

Following these learnings has helped us shape an AI pricing strategy that delivers value and flexibility, and we’ve been pleased to hear great feedback from our customers so far. But, of course, pricing is never one-and-done. As the AI space—particularly enterprise AI—continues to grow and mature, we’ll be keeping a close eye on customer feedback and the market. If you’d like to see what we’ve been building, join the private preview for Coda Brain. Or try out Coda AI for free now.

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