Open-source product playbook
Product playbook

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How to use

Best practices + tools for the end-to-end product ops life cycle

👉 Choose Your Own Adventure

We’ve structured this playbook to support you wherever you are at. You can either:
Read this top to bottom in a methodical, intentional fashion.
Dive into the content right before you need it (a la “just in time” learning).
Go rouge and choose your own adventure, cause you cool like that.

📖 Playbook Flow

Whatever adventure you pursue, the playbook is structured to parallel the product development life cycle to easily dive in and discover tools for each phase:

Research & Design

Create delightful products that improve your user's life.

Playbook Pages


Ship with velocity and clarity, through actionable check-ins.

Playbook Pages

Go to Market

Everything that needs to happen for a successful launch.

Playbook Pages

Measure & Iterate

Maximizing impact through qualitative and quantitative metrics

Playbook Pages

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