Referral Program Template

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Tips on Referrals

Here are some tips to help you identify awesome potential referrals.

Familiarize yourself with our roles.

Check out our our open roles on the or to see what roles we have open as well as the respective Recruiter and Hiring Manager.


Start thinking about great candidates.

Think back to your previous employers - were there certain co-workers that stood out to you? Maybe an intern at your job a few years ago who was phenomenal and now has a few years of experience. Or an AE that was brought up at company-wide meetings for closing top accounts?
Want some tips on how to comb your network? Check out .


Engage those awesome prospects.

You know your style and audience the best - but when reaching out to referrals, be engaging, concise, personal, and include interesting articles about company.
Are there any groups/slack channels you are in where it’d be appropriate to post role openings?
E.G. Alumni pages, sorority/fraternity alumni channels, x-company facebook groups
Get excited! Word of mouth is one of the most powerful ways to propel referrals. Where we work is a large part of who we are, so be proud of it and don’t be afraid to talk about what it’s like working here.


Help us diversify our talent pool.

Diversity comes in many dimensions, and we know we can improve our representation of various groups. Please refer potential candidates from historically underrepresented groups to help us diversify our talent pool.
People tend to have homogenous inner circles of friends and trusted colleagues, though it’s very likely you’ve worked with talented people of all backgrounds. Spend time to consider referrals from beyond your immediate network.


Always be Closing.

Even if you are certain someone in your network is happy at their current role, things change! It’s always nice to leverage all of our networks and have these initial conversations to keep our referrals and leads warm. That way, when the time comes, our company is on the top of their list.

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