The Ultimate Coda Handbook for Recruiting Teams

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Providing Great Candidate Experience

Every touchpoint is important.

Each time you connect with your candidates is a golden opportunity to give them a great candidate experience. Make sure you’re providing timely communication, helpful information and context for their interviews, and the option to have additional non-evaluative calls (informational chats, sell convos) to help your candidates get to know the team they may potentially be joining.

Model your company values.

A successful recruiting process attracts top talent and builds excitement about working for that company. Candidates crave a glimpse into their future work environment, and leaning on your values is a great way for you to provide them just that. If your values promote innovation, make sure your recruiting technologies exemplify that. If your values promote trust, make sure your communication with candidates is honest and transparent. There are many authentic and creative ways you can showcase your company values to candidates.

Comprehensive interview guides.

Take the extra step (it’ll be well worth it) to create a comprehensive interview guide for each role so that your candidates are equipped with all of the information they need while in process. These guides can include things such as:
An end to end process overview
The onsite interview schedule
A ‘meet the team’ section
Tips and tricks for preparation

Candidate experience that goes both ways.

The internal candidate experience with your own team is just as important as the external one. Interviewing doesn’t have to be a burden for your team if you are thoughtful in creating a smooth and consistent interviewing process - from training up interviewers, to calibrating on interviews, to maintaining a balanced interview load. Our Engineering team uses Coda to do all of the above, from capacity planning to assigning and ramping interviewers to specific interview questions. The standardized and flexible process allows our engineering team to efficiently hire new engineers without overloading the team with interviews. Learn more about it

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Additional Resources ✨

Need a guide for empowering your hiring teams with inclusive interviewing guidelines and best practices? Check out the ‘‘ template.

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