The Ultimate Coda Handbook for Recruiting Teams

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Sourcing & Selling

Outsell and out-hustle the competition to attract your dream candidates.
When candidates are flooded by opportunities, you can’t wait for top talent to come knocking. There are three key steps to effective sourcing and selling:

Attract candidates with a compelling narrative and train your team to become masterful sellers.

Enable anyone on your team to create engaging recruiting collateral for open roles.

Don’t wait for great people to come knocking; build a culture of proactive and consistent recruiting.
Read on for more about each step, and how to get started with our free templates.

1. Create a compelling narrative and master the sell.

Your recruiters also need to be your best sales people, so they can convince talented people who are happily employed that they’d be crazy not to consider this job. Achieving this level of skill within your recruiting team doesn’t happen by accident. The teams that achieve this start by building a strong, standardized company pitch, and then meticulously train and certify their team to deliver that pitch well. They leverage practice sessions and role play until excellent delivery of the story becomes natural.
And, the best recruiting teams realize selling is a team sport. A candidate may end up interfacing with 10+ employees during a recruiting process, and each one of those people should be exceptional evangelists of the company. Coda’s creates a consistent approach to training and certifying people on different portions of the pitch. This is key for reminding team members that being a great pitcher/story-teller takes practice. Our team invests in weekly practice sessions to build comfort with it, and we’ve even made learning the pitch a part of new hire onboarding.
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2. Stand out by elevating your talent brand.

With so many companies vying for candidates’ attention, it’s important to find a way to cut through the noise—and one way to do that is with great content. Leading recruiting teams provide candidates with polished assets that increase candidate engagement while also helping prepare candidates for the interview process.
With Coda it’s easy to create beautiful and polished assets, without having to rely on marketing and brand teams. Recruiters can independently build pitch docs, interview guides, landing pages, and other recruiting assets. These could include background information on the team, company videos, product demos, and more. It becomes easy to elevate the company brand, sell the vision, and provide that extra touch for candidate experience.

3. Build an outbound-oriented recruiting culture.

For key leadership searches, companies often hire executive recruiting firms who spend time researching and mapping out the talent market. When companies do this well, they’re cultivating a list of possible great people, reaching out, and pitching them on the vision and role. They don’t throw a job post online and just see what comes inbound.
You can build a recruiting culture that can approach hiring with this same proactive, outbound view. It starts with a basic understanding of what good sourcing looks like—it’s a numbers game that can be won with consistent outreach and a compelling pitch. Here are three ways to instill an outbound-oriented recruiting culture:

1. Talent mapping.

A key input of sourcing is talent mapping. Hiring teams need to understand what the market looks for a given role. Who are the strongest candidates in the field? Which companies tend to develop the best teams for this function? How can we identify the top 100 people in the world that we’d want in this role, and make sure each one of them knows our company is hiring?
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Use this template to create a talent map of the market for your specific roles.

2. Referral programs.

One related and proven way to accelerate the creation of a strong passive pipeline is by developing a strong internal referral program; a prospect is more likely to respond if there’s an existing connection. Many companies cite referrals as key to finding and hiring some of their strongest talent—they can account for 30-50% of all new hires.
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Use this template to start your referral program and build a more proactive, outbound recruiting culture.

3. Sourcing jams.

Sourcing jams are a fun way to uncover referrals quickly. Gather the hiring manager and team members, and set a timer and goal for each person to comb through their LinkedIn network and add potential candidates to an outreach list.
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Explore the rest of the handbook.

Depending on the needs of your recruiting organization, get started with any of these rituals:

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