Coda Tutorial for Planning & OKRs
1. Build a basic OKR doc

icon picker
1.3 Creating custom views of your OKRs

Use one of Coda's most powerful features to give everyone their own view of the same shared data.
One of the most powerful things about Coda is how we can create custom views of your data. With Coda tables, you can create as many views of the table as you need for your team - editing a cell in a view will change the value of the underlying table and all other views.
One of my favorite way to use Coda’s views is with the Current user filter to create a view that is specifically tailored to the currently logged in user. We will use that to build a My OKRs page that shows the OKRs of the person looking at the page. We will also build a custom page to look at the OKRs of one specific team.

⭐ What you’ll get

A personal view of all your key results.
A view of all the key results your team is assigned.

💼 What you’ll use

Table filter

1. Create a view of your personal key results.

Let’s create a My OKRs page that shows all the OKRs that the user looking at the document is driving. This page will look different to every person looking at it
Create a new page called My OKRs, and add a view of your Key results table and name it OKRs I am driving.
Click New page + at the bottom of the left side panel.
Title the new page My OKRs and pick an icon for it.
On your new page, type “/Key results” and select Key results.
Name the table OKRs I am driving.
Tip: You can hide table titles by clicking the 3 dot menu that shows up when you hover your mouse over the table title, select Customize header and turn off Table title.
Click on the Filter option on the top right of your OKRs I am driving table.
Click “+ Add filter” in the right side panel.
Select Driver.
The default option should be is any of - if not, change it to that.
Select Current user.
Filter by current user.gif
Tip: Because the table is filtered for the current user, you only need one page and each Driver will see their own key results.

2. Create a view of key results for your teams.

In the above view, you can see all the OKRs you are the driver for. But your help might also be needed for other OKRs your team has signed up for. So, let’s add a view of all your team’s OKRs.
On the My OKRs page, type “/Key results”.
Name the new table My teams’ OKRs.
There are multiple ways to achieve this. If you feel bold enough to tap into Coda’s extremely powerful formula language, go with option 2, otherwise stick to option 1.

Option 1 - Add a column to filter.

Add a column
In the popup dialog, select Teams Team membersValue.
Click on the Filter option on the top right of your My teams’ OKRs table.
Click “+ Add filter” in the right side panel.
Select Team members.
Make sure the option below says contains any of.
Check Current user.

Option 2 - Filter with a formula.

Click on the Filter option on the top right of your My teams’ OKRs table.
Click “+ Add filter” in the right side panel.
Select the formula symbol in the top right of the side panel.
Enter this formula: thisRow.Teams.[Team Members].Contains(User())
Filtering for my teams with a new column.gif
Tip: You might want to add a filter bar to your My teams’ key results table. You can enable that in the table’s Filter menu.

Now what?

Want to see how your document should look when completing the above steps, check out the checkpoint doc for Chapter 1 in the
With the basic structure of your OKR doc completed, it’s time to take your planning game up a notch. Head over to to keep moving.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.