Coda Tutorial for Planning & OKRs
2. Support your planning process

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2.5 Reflection

Wrap up your planning period with a reflection on what went well, and what didn't.
Reflections wrap up the previous planning period. For a reflection, you typically want all OKRs to get their final grade (aka progress score). And have each team or department reflect on what they did well, and what they need to improve. In this step, we will show you how to set up a templated reflection for each team. Reflections could be shared in one big meeting, or simply shared with the company for everyone to read at their own leisure.

⭐ What you’ll get

A dedicated page page for reflecting on the previous period.
AI summaries to pull insights out from each team’s reflections.

💼 What you’ll use

Canvas columns
Row layouts
Coda AI

1. Create a reflections page.

We’re now going to create a new page for teams to write their reflections on
Create a new page and name it Reflections.
Replace Add page title with 5. Reflections.
Create a view of the Teams table and name it All team reflections.
Type “/table and select table.
Select Teams from the dropdown.
Rename the table All team reflections.
Add a column to All team reflections, select Canvas as the column type.
Name your column Team reflection.
Hide all the columns other than Team and Team reflections.
Right click each column header and click Hide
Tip: You can hold shift while selecting headers to act on multiple headers at once. Or you can click on the Column link at the top of your table and hide them in the sidebar that opens to the right; just press each eye.

2. Define your reflections template

This portion will be a bit lighter on direction as certain ways of reflecting work better for different teams, but we’ll be creating a Canvas template similar to what we did in This will give all teams a structure they can follow for reflections
Add a sub-page to your Team reflections page and name it Reflection template.
Go to nav bar on the left-hand side of the page.
On your Reflections page click the ‘...’ (Three dots).
Hover over Add subpage and click New page.
Name your new page Reflection template.
On Reflection template build out a basic structure for how you’d expect teams to reflect.
We won’t prescribe a definitive template, however we would suggest a few key things to capture:
Achievements - What did the team achieve this period?
Highlights - What went well?
Lowlights - What didn’t go well?
Learnings and Insights - What did we learn?
Recommendations - What should the team be doing next quarter, what should they avoid?
If you’d like something premade you could also type “/quarterly retrospective” on your template page to find one of our reflection templates and adjust it to your needs.
Once you’ve completed the template, set the template up to be default in your Team reflections column.
Right click the column title and click Column options.
Modify Value for new rows to be your new page, Reflection template, you created above.
If you already have a few rows in your Teams table, go ahead and click Apply to X blank rows.
Reflection template.png

3. Add an AI column to summarize each team’s reflection.

With the power of Coda’s AI column we can make it faster and easier than ever to roll-up sentiments and themes across teams which will drastically reduce the number of hours it takes to analyze and iterate on your company processes.
Add a column to your All teams reflection table and name it AI summary.
Change the column type to AI or right click on the column and select Add AI.
For the prompt, enter something like:
“Summarize @Team reflection .” The @ reference will pull in the content from the specified column for each row.
Adding AI summary.gif
Now, you have an AI summary of all of your team’s reflections. You can use this for quick reference and focus your follow-up conversations for next quarter’s planning.

Now what?

You’re almost ready to run your OKRs! Head over to for the final steps before sharing with your team!
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