Coda Tutorial for Planning & OKRs
Advanced features

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Tracking dependencies

KRs often require support from another team, so model the dependency explicitly.
Most key results are shared across teams, though seldom are they shared evenly. To account for this, we recommend creating dependencies to track multiple teams connected to one key result.

⭐ What you’ll get

A table to track dependencies across key results
A way for teams to acknowledge key results where they are requested as dependent

💼 What you’ll use


1. Create a page to capture dependency teams.

As your teams add key results, they will undoubtedly develop a few that will need support from other teams. To track that in your key results table, you will need to add a dependency column.
Create a new page and call it Dependencies.
Add a table named Dependencies.
Set-up the following columns (and column types):
Key result (relation): connects to the Key result table.
Click the Add linked relation here to set yourself up for success in the next step.
Driving team (relation): connects to the Teams table.
Partnering team (relation): connects to the Teams table.
Notes (Canvas column): no need to update this.
Priority (scale): Number Scale
Acknowledge (reaction):
Reject (reaction):
Add in a few values to your table.
Dependencies table.png
Tip: Add a filter bar with for your above table so you and your team members can filter buy team.

2. Create a subtable of your Dependencies in your Key results table.

You might want a second entry point for your dependencies right in your key result table.
If you didn’t do it in step 1, add a linked relation column to your Key results table.
Add a new column to your Key results table. Select Linked relation Dependencies.
Your new column should automatically name itself Dependencies.
Linked relation KR to dependencies.gif
Add another new column to your Key results and name it Expand row.
Make it a button column that opens the row.
Select Button Open row This row
expand row button.gif
Click on the Open row button.
Navigate to your Dependencies field within the newly opened row modal.
Click on the table icon on the top right of the Dependencies field.
Dependecy sub-table.png
Under Display as in the drop down, select Table Table.
Hide and unhide columns using the side panel on the right.
Subtable of Dependencies.gif
Now you can add dependencies directly in your Key results table!

Now what?

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