The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
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11. People Analytics



This doc is too complicated to make a template
Can move to employee engagement
Onboarding/Offboarding instead (under recruitment)


Problem/Solution Set still WIP and the ones below may be outdated. Refer to updates in

Problem: Analytics tools are static and rarely leaves room for conversation.

There are great engagement tools out there. They streamline the survey collection and the reporting, however, there are limits in how your People team can present out insights that allows for conversation with the company. You have the data but the packaging can be quite stale.
interactive discussion

Solution: Be the storyteller of the data and host a conversation about the results.

There’s room to breathe in a Coda doc. Add your results and summary and share with your employees before hosting a reflection session. This gives your employees time to digest the content and enable them to ask questions for your team to dig in. Surveys are not one and done. Coda gives a space to gather questions for your People team and Leadership team to address.

Coda template we’ll be highlighting:

Before you click open the template, let us walk you through them:

Solutions you’ve been looking for.

Surveys alone don’t engage employees; shared reflection and action planning do
Meaningful discussions

Story arc:
perfect pairing for people analytics

Surveys alone don’t engage employees; shared reflection and action planning do

We can all agree that surveys are mega-important to know where folks stand and how a company can keep employees engaged and retained. However, to drive even more engagement and success from the survey, teams should engage employees in the reflection — giving them a stake in what action is taken and by whom. They become a maker of the culture they want to see, moving the company forward in a more positive way. If you engage manager and employees in reflection and action planning, the result will be a much more engaged, happier team. And the best way to do this is to create a space for individual and team reflections and discussion, as seen in the Coda doc below.


Check out the template:

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