The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams

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Potential Outline (Solutions Sprint)

Goal is: Create an “ultimate guide” that would be the main asset we’d send to champion/director/lead for X function. To achieve this, we’ll need some doc-builders and some narrative-writers.
The list below is meant to be comprehensive (please add any you think are missing).
Prior to Thursday 8/10:
Upvote the template-topics you think are MOST important for a Head of People to see if they’re looking at our ultimate guide. This is how we’ll prioritize which templates to work on and build.
Sign up for owning a template, narrative, or both! No limit to what you can choose. Commit to building one or two of those this Thursday, and the rest can be worked on over time.
What does it mean to own the template? Make sure it’s easy to set up, use, etc. Make sure the table schema is correct, the data is easy to clear, etc. Help make the intro to the template clear, sharp, and concise. Even if someone else built it, let’s improve it!
What does it mean to own the narrative? Help us describe the template in a page in the ultimate guide (which might be the same, but condensed version of what it says in the template). No more than a paragraph.
Thursday, 8/10:
Jump right in! If doc building, check out guidelines
. If narrative writing, check out guidelines
Note: Potential templates are the docs we think most suitable for the topic. You may include non-Coda authored templates (there’s a lot of great ones out there!) as the Guide will depict what the best companies do, not just Coda.

My votes are in!

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