The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams

SSM’s suggestions:

shouldn’t be coda on coda > what best companies do beyond coda
driving the why through each part
actionable set of patterns. ex. stick me in a corner, how do i run a product team on coda, i’d tell you to do these 4 things. then hade debate on what format of that page should be.
opinionated - coming from kenny and/or harry make them the author - run a class, etc.
bar is rituals for hyper growth doc, earn right to be tactical. who are you, why do you have credibility.
→ youre crazy if you dont run on Coda.
litmus test - pretend you’re giving the talk. what would you say in your video?
title > headings > images

From Kenny —
What would be most helpful? → ssm gave good clarifying feedback that kenny hasn’t heard before for guides. draft 12+13 to get to a good spot.
we’ve written things that aren’t sharp enough.
originally Kenny wanted to make it short + engaging so ppl can get through it quickly. its not a viral piece. make this your Master understanding piece. make it comprehensive and click-outs really good.
Goal: make it a rly opinionated piece, strong perspective, good assets to link out to.
(product guide still hasn’t nailed it.)

As the head of people, what would you be looking for Kenny?
better decision making, collaboation, communication. dory+pulse with inclusivity and equal voices heard
team wiki and hub. save team from answering manual questions;
automating onboarding. have a great place to track HR processes, compliance calendars.
workplace services, snack inventory; simple to understand but common problem
performance calibration mtgs (stay away from comp process). (thnk about RH and your time there and painpoints)

make it pointed to Coda.
rest of cpops → on recruiring/pops or on their world?
keep the group thats doing the writing small
in ssm/rae/kenny/harry’s network put their face on this.

Write from the perspective of Raechel
can write a piece w/ existing versions we have right now. and then work towards future state.

tell teams to meet before Thurs.
how to run your team on this? there will be a prioritization. get a decent guide out w existing. current state v future state.

Wed. working session. people team guide - build expanded outline.
via AI

Sprint Options

Leave as is and mark as “coming soon”
Dramatically simplify
SHorter sections
Fewer sections/group things together

Top Areas a Head of People Would Seek Help With

Recruitment and retention strategies
Employee engagement initiatives
Diversity, equity, and inclusion programs
Performance management and employee development
Benefits administration and compliance
HR technology and automation solutions
Workplace culture and employee morale
Succession planning and leadership development
Employee relations and conflict resolution
Compliance with employment laws and regulations

Areas of Priority for a Head of People

Employee Retention: Retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any organization. A Head of People would prioritize creating a positive work environment, offering competitive compensation and benefits, and providing opportunities for career growth and development to retain employees.
Diversity and Inclusion: Building a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential for creating a positive work culture, increasing innovation, and improving employee morale. A Head of People would prioritize implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as bias training and recruiting from underrepresented groups.
Performance Management: Ensuring that employees are meeting performance expectations and receiving feedback regularly is important for maintaining productivity and engagement. A Head of People would prioritize implementing effective performance management systems and processes.
Talent Acquisition: Attracting and hiring top talent is essential for the growth and success of an organization. A Head of People would prioritize developing effective recruitment strategies, establishing relationships with universities and professional organizations, and creating a positive employer brand.
Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to their work. A Head of People would prioritize creating opportunities for employee feedback and engagement, such as employee surveys and focus groups, and implementing initiatives to improve employee satisfaction.
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