The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
ALT: LY Ultimate Guide for People Teams in Coda

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ALT: LY Onboarding

People Team POV: Onboarding tasks and custom emails

With each new hire that enters your company, you’ve got a slew of tasks to keep track of and complete. Entering their personal details into your HRIS, sending a welcome email, finding a buddy, scheduling training sessions, just to name a few! From pre, first day, to post first day there’s a series of tasks that has to happen in order for your new hire to get ramped up and feeling ready to rock at their new job and new company. It’s frankly overwhelming the amount of steps involved but every professional People Ops PRO, like yourself, the name of the game is STREAMLINING!

Seamlessly flow from recruiting to people operations

How many times have you found yourself saying, “I was never informed about a new hire joining,” followed by a wave of panic as you stress about whether IT has enough time to do their thing, equipment to be sent, paperwork to be drafted, etc. The fear of not accounting for a new hire is real. On the flip side, recruiters reaching out to ask, “how long will it take before my new hire gets their onboarding information?” You’re now distracted from your work-flow to trace the status of this new hire. At Coda, we’ve enabled transparency for both parties to allow folks to self-service knowing the status of each new hire as well as enables accountability i.e recruiters can make sure their new hire is captured on people op’s list! To make sure information is flowing between recruiters and your people ops team, you want a manageable process for both parties to follow. This simple flow will allow your recruiters to communicate new hire information which allows your people ops team to build and track process, making a single source of truth. All your recruiter has to do, is hit a button to add a new hire!
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Easily push out custom emails for each individual new hire

✔️ Great! Your People Ops team now has all the required new hire information to start their work. From background checks, creating accounts, sending welcome emails, swag — keeping track of the status is easy to check off on this page. But the real power of Coda and my favorite functionality of this template comes into play with custom emails. It captures their name, start date, and you can add any custom detail you want to capture for their specific team. Seriously, a game changer when you have to mass send emails to a start class of 20 or 30 all with custom details!

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✔️ Amazing, you’ve now got a streamlined way to process and track your internal team’s operations when it comes to onboarding. but let’s not forget who you’re building all of this for — your new hires!

New Hire POV: Onboarding Plan for first day, weeks, and months ahead

You spend tons of time recruiting the perfect talent so it’s imperative to set them up for success once they join. Let’s not fall short now! The other half of a successful onboarding is making sure you/your manager has prepared your new hire for success. It can feel frantic, messy, and careless if you don’t spend intentional time and thought to prepare for their arrival. I guarantee you they’ll feel that energy when they start. Remind yourself of when you were a new hire and all the questions and emotions that ran through your mind. This means taking the time to think through who you want your new hire to meet, what sorts of training and company cultural bits will they need to know, making sure they have the right tech and resources, and giving them adequate time to dig into each of these areas. This mental exercise will allow you to make sure your new hire feels confident coming into their role!
Staying organized with all these aspects can be challenging, but we have a doc that allows the manager to detail out alllll the items for their new hire as well as allows the new hire to track and view their progress. Your new hire is going to be WOW’d that you spent all this time putting in thought for their custom onboarding plan, and you’ll benefit from having an engaged and ramped new hire that’s going to drive value for you and your team!
Here’s a preview of what the template looks like, fully customizable.
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